Spirit world: Birthday of HAZRAT IMAM ALI 13th Rajab. To appreciate who he is/was.U must know some of his past lifetimes.He is Noah,Abraham,Joseph,Moses, Solomon,Imran,JESUS,Genghis,Da Vinci,Zeus,Vishnu,Shiva,Brahma, Buddha,Imhotep,Tutankhamen Ramses the great n at the beginning HORUS the falcon of TRUTH.Some will believe/accept it,most will doubt/reject it. It doesn’t change the TRUTH.
Spirit world:The SOUL is unique in every way.Because it’s created with LOVE N every Soul is born with LOVE. Man made clones are a technological creation without a Soul.Theyre machines n are controlled by the Deep State They’re created to harm Humans. Can clones be recognised?Only if u know how.
Spirit world:The SOUL is unique in every way.Because it’s created with LOVE N every Soul is born with LOVE. Man made clones are a technological creation without a Soul.Theyre machines n are controlled by the Deep State They’re created to harm Humans. Can clones be recognised?Only if u know how.
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Spirit world: “Struggle is the meaning of Life”It promotes Soul growth n pushes one further on the infinite journey of the Soul.But whilst in the human body it can be very difficult n painful.Never feel abandoned by God,as God is always with U.The pain in the world is going to get much worse.
Spirit world: “Struggle is the meaning of Life”It promotes Soul growth n pushes one further on the infinite journey of the Soul.But whilst in the human body it can be very difficult n painful.Never feel abandoned by God,as God is always with U.The pain in the world is going to get much worse.
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Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.
Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.
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Spirit world: Happy Diwali to all of humanity. It’s the festival of lights. It symbolises “the victory of light over darkness,good over evil,n knowledge over ignorance”May humanity be helped from the disasters to come.Enjoy the day n be grateful for everything.
Spirit world: Happy Diwali to all of humanity. It’s the festival of lights.
It symbolises “the victory of light over darkness,good over evil,n knowledge over ignorance”May humanity be helped from the disasters to come.Enjoy the day n be grateful for everything.
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Spirit world: “Lord Shiva”reality or myth?very real,Shiva n Parvati’s energy still exists in Kailash. In energetic realms there’s no linear time n space constraints.The colour of the energy is a light ice blue.The energy is very calm n the knowledge is very subtle/sensitive.
Spirit world: “Lord Shiva”reality or myth?very real,Shiva n Parvati’s energy still exists in Kailash. In energetic realms there’s no linear time n space constraints.The colour of the energy is a light ice blue.The energy is very calm n the knowledge is very subtle/sensitive.
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