Spirit world”ADAM’S CALENDAR” Today on IMAM ALI birthday we’re visiting an ancient structure Adam’s calendar said to be the oldest on earth – 75-360,000 years old.After this visit,cosmic changes will take place all over the galaxy. Earth is part of a vast cosmos,we’re not alone
Spirit world: Birthday of HAZRAT IMAM ALI 13th Rajab. To appreciate who he is/was.U must know some of his past lifetimes.He is Noah,Abraham,Joseph,Moses, Solomon,Imran,JESUS,Genghis,Da Vinci,Zeus,Vishnu,Shiva,Brahma, Buddha,Imhotep,Tutankhamen Ramses the great n at the beginning HORUS the falcon of TRUTH.Some will believe/accept it,most will doubt/reject it. It doesn't change the TRUTH.
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Spirit world:There's a time for war n a time to stop.Ceasefire in Gaza is necessary.But nothing will improve.Many unexpected problems are waiting.We don't mean to dishearten u.But it's essential to be honest n keep u grounded.Trump,Billionaires n world will have no peace EVER.