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Tweets referring to coming changes.

Spirit world: Spirituality is not about seeing things -(Lights, visions,Miracles) It is about becoming something -A transformed being.That means undertaking a journey of change. Presently there are very few teachers left who can help u to change.

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Spirit world: Spirituality is not about seeing things -(Lights, visions,Miracles) It is about becoming something -A transformed being.That means undertaking a journey of change.
Presently there are very few teachers left who can help u to change.

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Spirit world:Canadian doctor testifies under oath that most of those who took the booster vaccine are likely to DIE. Best to make a will leaving your assets to those who didn’t take the vaccine. Sorry for those who believed all the lies by governments n health bodies.Sorry guys

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Spirit world:Canadian doctor testifies under oath that most of those who took the booster vaccine are likely to DIE. Best to make a will leaving your assets to those who didn’t take the vaccine.
Sorry for those who believed all the lies by governments n health bodies.Sorry guys

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Spirit world: When the GOLDEN FALCON departs the Northern Hemisphere for the Southern Hemisphere.Know that it will be a sign of the disasters awaiting the Northern Hemisphere.Everything is waiting for the departure of the GOLDEN FALCON.

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Spirit world: When the GOLDEN FALCON departs the Northern Hemisphere for the Southern Hemisphere.Know that it will be a sign of the disasters awaiting the Northern Hemisphere.Everything is waiting for the departure of the GOLDEN FALCON.

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Spirit world:”CRUCIFIXION”It has 2 realities,one visible n known.The other Energetic n only known to a handful.What actually transpired during n after the Crucifixion.All the multiverses were watching in absolute Awe.The highest most sublime energy of LOVE was released to creation

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Spirit world:”CRUCIFIXION”It has 2 realities,one visible n known.The other Energetic n only known to a handful.What actually transpired during n after the Crucifixion.All the multiverses were watching in absolute Awe.The highest most sublime energy of LOVE was released to creation

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Spirit world:The Elites are finding they too can’t cope with the mess they’ve created.Their children spouses friends n especially those working for them are suffering from depression panic attacks too much alcohol n drugs.They have no idea what to do other than suicide.

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Spirit world:The Elites are finding they too can’t cope with the mess they’ve created.Their children spouses friends n especially those working for them are suffering from depression panic attacks too much alcohol n drugs.They have no idea what to do other than suicide.

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Spirit world: We are warning that the escalation of the wars are going to be brutal with massive destruction n millions of deaths. Humans are asleep n don’t realise it can’t be stopped. Store food n water for at least 6 weeks. Shortages are inevitable n the good times are over

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Spirit world: We are warning that the escalation of the wars are going to be brutal with massive destruction n millions of deaths. Humans are asleep n don’t realise it can’t be stopped. Store food n water for at least 6 weeks. Shortages are inevitable n the good times are over

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