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Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving. That’s not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love

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Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving.
That’s not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love

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Spirit world: The “3rd world”or “Global South”has had to pay the price for centuries of Western Greed exploitation n oppression. As the war in Ukraine spreads to Europe n levels it down to 3rd world conditions.Only by direct experience can Europe know what injustice truly means

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Spirit world: The “3rd world”or “Global South”has had to pay the price for centuries of Western Greed exploitation n oppression. As the war in Ukraine spreads to Europe n levels it down to 3rd world conditions.Only by direct experience can Europe know what injustice truly means

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Spirit world: Many are slagging the Lady called Kamala Harris while others are slagging a guy called J.D.Vance.A Nation usually gets the leaders they deserve.Does the USA deserve either?Have things declined so much there’s nothing better?Is that the best “Democracy”can provide?Is that not evidence of the breakdown? Either way it’s going to be a rocky ride ahead.

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Spirit world: Many are slagging the Lady called Kamala Harris while others are slagging a guy called J.D.Vance.A Nation usually gets the leaders they deserve.Does the USA deserve either?Have things declined so much there’s nothing better?Is that the best “Democracy”can provide?Is that not evidence of the breakdown? Either way it’s going to be a rocky ride ahead.

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Spirit world:”Kamala Harris”Vice President nominated by Biden to succeed him.People complain that she was a prostitute n worked her way up the political ladder.I ask what’s a prostitute?Aren’t most politicians Bankers businessman prostitutes?It must not be a reason to oppose her

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Spirit world:”Kamala Harris”Vice President nominated by Biden to succeed him.People complain that she was a prostitute n worked her way up the political ladder.I ask what’s a prostitute?Aren’t most politicians Bankers businessman prostitutes?It must not be a reason to oppose her

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Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world: Why do right wing parties n politicians attack Islam?Why no other religions?Because they’re afraid of Muslims.Why? They ready to die for their beliefs.The Reptilians can’t handle that. So expect an attack on Iran n Muslims.The Chitauri fear when they don’t control

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Spirit world: Why do right wing parties n politicians attack Islam?Why no other religions?Because they’re afraid of Muslims.Why? They ready to die for their beliefs.The Reptilians can’t handle that. So expect an attack on Iran n Muslims.The Chitauri fear when they don’t control

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Spirit world: He said before his last term of office,he will remove the swamp.Instead he brought in all members of the swamp.They say he was naive the first time. No he wasn’t.His running mate is a paid up Zionist.If he wins others will follow.He’s in many ways worse than Biden

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Spirit world: He said before his last term of office,he will remove the swamp.Instead he brought in all members of the swamp.They say he was naive the first time. No he wasn’t.His running mate is a paid up Zionist.If he wins others will follow.He’s in many ways worse than Biden

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Spirit world:”Donald j Trump”A marvelous show by Donald,n an obvious put up job to give him some credibility amongst the doubtful.His running mate an obvious Zionist n ready to step in when/if the Donald dies.A distinct possibility.Many of his supporters are in for a rude shock

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Spirit world:”Donald j Trump”A marvelous show by Donald,n an obvious put up job to give him some credibility amongst the doubtful.His running mate an obvious Zionist n ready to step in when/if the Donald dies.A distinct possibility.Many of his supporters are in for a rude shock

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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up

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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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