Spirit world:For the Olympics SHORTY MACRON conferred a few titles on himself.Olympics Baba. The greatest Frenchman that ever lived.Father of the modern French.
Slayer of the CHITAURI.Leader of the FREE WORLD.and many other titles that will be revealed in the future.Hail SHORTY
Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving. That's not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love
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Spirit world:Most people were shocked at the opening scenes of the Olympics. Most are very simple n haven't understood.The Elites don't care what anyone thinks. Much much worse is going to be unleashed.We repeat many are going to die of vaccine injuries,war shortages,be ready