Spirit world: “Beings living beneath the surface of the Earth”There are both advanced Beings n lowly evolved beings like the reptilian Chitauri.The Chitauri are Humanities greatest enemies.
They’ve bred with Human women n created hybrids which they use n control to harm humans.
Spirit world: Why do Elites n Chitauri not understand love? Because of low level of evolution. They have to pass all the stages of evolution.Evolutionary journey is slow n painful.Some in other worlds are more advanced. It doesn’t mean if one is in a human form one is higher.
Spirit world: Why do Elites n Chitauri not understand love? Because of low level of evolution.
They have to pass all the stages of evolution.Evolutionary journey is slow n painful.Some in other worlds are more advanced. It doesn’t mean if one is in a human form one is higher.
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Spirit world:For the Olympics SHORTY MACRON conferred a few titles on himself.Olympics Baba. The greatest Frenchman that ever lived.Father of the modern French. Slayer of the CHITAURI.Leader of the FREE WORLD.and many other titles that will be revealed in the future.Hail SHORTY
Spirit world:For the Olympics SHORTY MACRON conferred a few titles on himself.Olympics Baba. The greatest Frenchman that ever lived.Father of the modern French.
Slayer of the CHITAURI.Leader of the FREE WORLD.and many other titles that will be revealed in the future.Hail SHORTY
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Spirit world: Why do right wing parties n politicians attack Islam?Why no other religions?Because they’re afraid of Muslims.Why? They ready to die for their beliefs.The Reptilians can’t handle that. So expect an attack on Iran n Muslims.The Chitauri fear when they don’t control
Spirit world: Why do right wing parties n politicians attack Islam?Why no other religions?Because they’re afraid of Muslims.Why? They ready to die for their beliefs.The Reptilians can’t handle that. So expect an attack on Iran n Muslims.The Chitauri fear when they don’t control
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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up
Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up
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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share
Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share
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