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You are viewing Four Kingdoms

Tweets referring to the 4 kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal, human.

Spirit world: “CHRISTMAS”as we approach it,the energy of Xmas this year is very very strong.Why? Because this is the last PEACEFUL XMAS.The LOVE N COMPASSION OF JESUS is falling like rain on Humanity.Go into your heart hold u breath and take any name of God 3 times n breathe onto u heart. Do it morning n evening

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Spirit world: “CHRISTMAS”as we approach it,the energy of Xmas this year is very very strong.Why? Because this is the last PEACEFUL XMAS.The LOVE N COMPASSION OF JESUS is falling like rain on Humanity.Go into your heart hold u breath and take any name of God 3 times n breathe onto u heart. Do it morning n evening

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Spirit world:The SOUL is unique in every way.Because it’s created with LOVE N every Soul is born with LOVE. Man made clones are a technological creation without a Soul.Theyre machines n are controlled by the Deep State They’re created to harm Humans. Can clones be recognised?Only if u know how.

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Spirit world:The SOUL is unique in every way.Because it’s created with LOVE N every Soul is born with LOVE. Man made clones are a technological creation without a Soul.Theyre machines n are controlled by the Deep State They’re created to harm Humans. Can clones be recognised?Only if u know how.

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Spirit world:”ANTI CHRIST”Part 1. It’s not a PERSON but a Negative ENERGY with those who are obsessed with Wealth n Power.Its the opposite of LOVE N COMPASSION. In the material world everything has opposites. Those with such an energy are anti Human.Their agenda depopulation Child sex trafficking,eating Human flesh,blackmail,corruption wars n much more.

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Spirit world:”ANTI CHRIST”Part 1. It’s not a PERSON but a Negative ENERGY with those who are obsessed with Wealth n Power.Its the opposite of LOVE N COMPASSION. In the material world everything has opposites. Those with such an energy are anti Human.Their agenda depopulation
Child sex trafficking,eating Human flesh,blackmail,corruption wars n much more.

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Spirit world: So much is happening so fast.Can anything or anyone save humanity from the disasters awaiting?No definitely not.Its too late for that.A few Corporations have accumulated enormous powers n influence.They’ve come to believe that they’re invincible n that type of pride always ends in disasters. In the end they’re just humans,n the likes of them have come n gone before.This time will be no different.But the cost in lives,will be in the billions.

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Spirit world: So much is happening so fast.Can anything or anyone save humanity from the disasters awaiting?No definitely not.Its too late for that.A few Corporations have accumulated enormous powers n influence.They’ve come to believe that they’re invincible n that type of pride always ends in disasters. In the end they’re just humans,n the likes of them have come n gone before.This time will be no different.But the cost in lives,will be in the billions.

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Spirit world:”Killing Humanity”by vaccines,chemtrails,poisoned food,medicine,water,5G wars n Human ignorance. What should/can Humans do?Two choices, allow yourselves to die or fight back.Which is it likely to be?Most are so ignorant they’ll just die.Any hope for Humans?Sadly no

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Spirit world:”Killing Humanity”by vaccines,chemtrails,poisoned food,medicine,water,5G wars n Human ignorance. What should/can Humans do?Two choices, allow yourselves to die or fight back.Which is it likely to be?Most are so ignorant they’ll just die.Any hope for Humans?Sadly no

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Spirit world:”Trump’s victory n hopes for the future”He has no idea that we’re already in the Great Breakdown.Nothing is going to improve,somehow something or other will sabotage his plans. Should he not at least try?Yes he should but will soon see hopeless reality.Sad but true.The message to those who care to listen is – Humans have messed up n it’s going to get worse.

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Spirit world:”Trump’s victory n hopes for the future”He has no idea that we’re already in the Great Breakdown.Nothing is going to improve,somehow something or other will sabotage his plans. Should he not at least try?Yes he should but will soon see hopeless reality.Sad but true.The message to those who care to listen is – Humans have messed up n it’s going to get worse.

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