Spirit world: Who are servants of the spirit world?Prophets,n sages. Also the likes of Tesla,Ramanujan, Einstein,n others in every field of life.We give them knowledge in altered states of consciousness. They too knew that it wasn’t about them.They were conduits to help humanity

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Spirit world: Who are servants of the spirit world?Prophets,n sages. Also the likes of Tesla,Ramanujan, Einstein,n others in every field of life.We give them knowledge in altered states of consciousness. They too knew that it wasn’t about them.They were conduits to help humanity

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Spirit world:Does the spirit world ever support any person group or nation?No.Unless in special cases we need to help our servants sent to help humanity.Our servants do appear in visions/dreams to inspire individuals with knowledges benefiting humanity.Can breakdown be stopped?No

Posted on 1 m read

Spirit world:Does the spirit world ever support any person group or nation?No.Unless in special cases we need to help our servants sent to help humanity.Our servants do appear in visions/dreams to inspire individuals with knowledges benefiting humanity.Can breakdown be stopped?No

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