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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world: “Braless”Research is showing the benefits of going Braless.1.The nipples grow 7 millimeters.2.Blood circulation improves.3.Less likely of breast problems.4. Show mercy to the boobies n strike a blow for good boobie governance. Viva women of the world

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Spirit world: “Braless”Research is showing the benefits of going Braless.1.The nipples grow 7 millimeters.2.Blood circulation improves.3.Less likely of breast problems.4. Show mercy to the boobies n strike a blow for good boobie governance. Viva women of the world

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Spirit world:”Missing Children” Donald Trump says there are 150,000 missing children who are raped n killed.If that’s in the USA how bad is it in other countries?The appetite of the Reptilians for humans is insatiable.Wars create ideal situations for human trafficking – beware

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Spirit world:”Missing Children” Donald Trump says there are 150,000 missing children who are raped n killed.If that’s in the USA how bad is it in other countries?The appetite of the Reptilians for humans is insatiable.Wars create ideal situations for human trafficking – beware

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Spirit world: Two things that have not been understood by Humans. When Humans defecate n see the smelly goo that comes out of them And when they have sex,that’s no different to animals.The creator made it to remind Humans of their lowly status n prevent pride.Even that failed to soften their pride.

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Spirit world: Two things that have not been understood by Humans. When Humans defecate n see the smelly goo that comes out of them
And when they have sex,that’s no different to animals.The creator made it to remind Humans of their lowly status n prevent pride.Even that failed to soften their pride.

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Spirit world: Its not that the Elites are all powerful n incapable of blunders.But they’re trying to create a picture of their powers. That it’s hopeless resisting their depopulation agenda.The truth is that they’re scared that they’ve been exposed.That humans are fighting back n will destroy them

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Spirit world: Its not that the Elites are all powerful n incapable of blunders.But they’re trying to create a picture of their powers. That it’s hopeless resisting their depopulation agenda.The truth is that they’re scared that they’ve been exposed.That humans are fighting back n will destroy them

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Spirit world: What comes in the way of most humans?FEAR AND BAD HABITS FROM THE PAST.U don’t understand that a human life is only a human experience to help u to grow your soul.But most are stuck in the world of form to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Awake it’s late.

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Spirit world: What comes in the way of most humans?FEAR AND BAD HABITS FROM THE PAST.U don’t understand that a human life is only a human experience to help u to grow your soul.But most are stuck in the world of form to take advantage of this rare opportunity.
Awake it’s late.

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