Spirit world: Max Blumenthal reports that Elon Musk on his visit to Israel said that the Palestinians needed to be re-educated.1. Does he have some special knowledge to say that?2.Wealth n power can make one think they’re special.But he may be treading on very sensitive ground.

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Spirit world: Max Blumenthal reports that Elon Musk on his visit to Israel said that the Palestinians needed to be re-educated.1. Does he have some special knowledge to say that?2.Wealth n power can make one think they’re special.But he may be treading on very sensitive ground.

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Spirit world: “Israeli visit of Elon Musk”Many are confused n asking why he visited Israel n not Gaza.If NETANYAHU n government are being charged with crimes against humanity.Should he be associated with war criminals? Does he have the right to consider himself exceptional?The answer to these questions will be out soon. No one is special no matter how rich,how talented.Everyone is accountable.

Posted on 1 m read

Spirit world: “Israeli visit of Elon Musk”Many are confused n asking why he visited Israel n not Gaza.If NETANYAHU n government are being charged with crimes against humanity.Should he be associated with war criminals? Does he have the right to consider himself exceptional?The answer to these questions will be out soon. No one is special no matter how rich,how talented.Everyone is accountable.

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