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Spirit world: The “3rd world”or “Global South”has had to pay the price for centuries of Western Greed exploitation n oppression. As the war in Ukraine spreads to Europe n levels it down to 3rd world conditions.Only by direct experience can Europe know what injustice truly means

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Spirit world: The “3rd world”or “Global South”has had to pay the price for centuries of Western Greed exploitation n oppression. As the war in Ukraine spreads to Europe n levels it down to 3rd world conditions.Only by direct experience can Europe know what injustice truly means

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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world:”Missing Children” Donald Trump says there are 150,000 missing children who are raped n killed.If that’s in the USA how bad is it in other countries?The appetite of the Reptilians for humans is insatiable.Wars create ideal situations for human trafficking – beware

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Spirit world:”Missing Children” Donald Trump says there are 150,000 missing children who are raped n killed.If that’s in the USA how bad is it in other countries?The appetite of the Reptilians for humans is insatiable.Wars create ideal situations for human trafficking – beware

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Spirit world:It’s not going well for Israel in the war,economically, psychologically,militarily, propagandistically or politically.A country seriously divided.What now?Peace negotiations are best but the far right parties are only interested in a mythical unachievable”Victory”.

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Spirit world:It’s not going well for Israel in the war,economically, psychologically,militarily, propagandistically or politically.A country seriously divided.What now?Peace negotiations are best but the far right parties are only interested in a mythical unachievable”Victory”.

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Spirit world: “Freedom”No One will obtain real Freedom without paying its costly price.Why costly? Because the Reptilians have been planning n infiltrating for millennia. Most humans are simple n the good life in the West has made them soft n dumb. To succeed u have to be hardened by decades of hardship suffering injustice relentless struggle.Only the brave Palestinians n hizbollah can claim that. U must be ready to die in the millions worldwide.The middle classes especially are too soft n spoilt to do it.Hence the Reptilians know it,but didn’t cater for the brave resistance of the Palestinians n hizbollah.If u are the praying type,pray for the resistance.Because they’re fighting the battle for the entire world.

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Spirit world: “Freedom”No One will obtain real Freedom without paying its costly price.Why costly?
Because the Reptilians have been planning n infiltrating for millennia.
Most humans are simple n the good life in the West has made them soft n dumb. To succeed u have to be hardened by decades of hardship suffering injustice relentless struggle.Only the brave Palestinians n hizbollah can claim that. U must be ready to die in the millions worldwide.The middle classes especially are too soft n spoilt to do it.Hence the Reptilians know it,but didn’t cater for the brave resistance of the Palestinians n hizbollah.If u are the praying type,pray for the resistance.Because they’re fighting the battle for the entire world.

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Spirit world:Imagine all the lying, killing,corruption,wars,oppression, exploitation for momentary power n wealth.Even though they know they’re going to die n leave it all behind.Their minds are overactive, confused,their hearts asleep. Eventually to die,for what?Nothing gained

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Spirit world:Imagine all the lying, killing,corruption,wars,oppression, exploitation for momentary power n wealth.Even though they know they’re going to die n leave it all behind.Their minds are overactive, confused,their hearts asleep. Eventually to die,for what?Nothing gained

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