Spirit world:Humanity is in a downward spiral,and yet they’re clutching to ideas whose time long expired,leaders who are clueless,greedy,selfish,are only focused on getting rich. No one can help as you’re not ready to help yourselves.Result?You’re doomed to suffer pain ignominy
Spirit world:”Billionaires”They lack empathy,sympathy,Compassion, sensitivity.They have too much greed n fear insecurity.Most suffer from erectile dysfunction early ejaculation wild mood swings due to anti depressants. In short they’re barely Human.Their aim to depopulate earth
Spirit world:”Billionaires”They lack empathy,sympathy,Compassion, sensitivity.They have too much greed n fear insecurity.Most suffer from erectile dysfunction early ejaculation wild mood swings due to anti depressants. In short they’re barely Human.Their aim to depopulate earth
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Spirit world:”PRAISE”The billionaires get their best orgasms not through SEX.But when they’re praised by anyone for anything. So many orgasms do they get that they’re running out of spermatozoa On Xmas day please send them all virtual sperm as their Xmas gift. Please pity them
Spirit world:”PRAISE”The billionaires get their best orgasms not through SEX.But when they’re praised by anyone for anything. So many orgasms do they get that they’re running out of spermatozoa
On Xmas day please send them all virtual sperm as their Xmas gift. Please pity them
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Spirit world: “End of the Great Cycle”Is where humanity is now. Hence everything is/will be in extremes – wealth,wars,killings, oppression,exploitation,gender violence,child sex trafficking n abuse,Death of empires,diseases. Rich Individuals believe they’re invincible n worse.Can it be stopped?No.Learn to adapt,no one can stop the madness
Spirit world: “End of the Great Cycle”Is where humanity is now. Hence everything is/will be in extremes – wealth,wars,killings, oppression,exploitation,gender violence,child sex trafficking n abuse,Death of empires,diseases. Rich Individuals believe they’re invincible n worse.Can it be stopped?No.Learn to adapt,no one can stop the madness
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Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.
Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.
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Spirit world: “The Trouble with excessive Wealth”Most super rich become heedless n actually believe that it’s solely their skills that gives them their wealth.They don’t know that it’s predetermined before they incarnate.Most fall victim to their pride n ascribe their success to themselves.The rare person understands it to be a gift but also a trial.Wealth has fooled the best n the worst because they have no humility to understand the truth.
Spirit world: “The Trouble with excessive Wealth”Most super rich become heedless n actually believe that it’s solely their skills that gives them their wealth.They don’t know that it’s predetermined before they incarnate.Most fall victim to their pride n ascribe their success to themselves.The rare person understands it to be a gift but also a trial.Wealth has fooled the best n the worst because they have no humility to understand the truth.
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