Spirit world: “TORTURE”When deliberate torture becomes common practice. As revealed by newly released Palestinian prisoners. It means the depravity is such that it will result in the negative energies on earth exploding n impacting everyone. This truly is the great Breakdown.

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Spirit world: “TORTURE”When deliberate torture becomes common practice. As revealed by newly released Palestinian prisoners. It means the depravity is such that it will result in the negative energies on earth exploding n impacting everyone. This truly is the great Breakdown.

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Spirit world: Nothing to do with religion but the most beautiful gift to mankind is THE QUR’AN.All the secrets of the Universes are there. But very few know how to read n extract its truths n beauty. It’s the ETERNAL ONE speaking to all of creation.Its mystical letters are vibrational frequencies.Ask God to help u unravel its message hidden n open.

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Spirit world: Nothing to do with religion but the most beautiful gift to mankind is THE QUR’AN.All the secrets of the Universes are there. But very few know how to read n extract its truths n beauty. It’s the ETERNAL ONE speaking to all of creation.Its mystical letters are vibrational frequencies.Ask God to help u unravel its message hidden n open.

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Spirit world:”The Peter principle”A study conducted in the 1950’s showed that one’s final promotion was to the level of one’s highest incompetence. If u look around u will find the Peter principle is still very much valid.Never in the history of humans has it been so obvious.

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Spirit world:”The Peter principle”A study conducted in the 1950’s showed that one’s final promotion was to the level of one’s highest incompetence. If u look around u will find the Peter principle is still very much valid.Never in the history of humans has it been so obvious.

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Spirit world: “Transmissions”All transmissions are distorted by.1. How well or poorly the listeners understand what’s being transmitted.2. How what they heard is interpreted. 3.The essential requirement that every message MUST be interpreted according to the time circumstances people addressed. 4. No matter who the transmitter is distortion is inbuilt due to the flaws of the people addressed. Hence historical records are usually more or less distorted.

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Spirit world: “Transmissions”All transmissions are distorted by.1. How well or poorly the listeners understand what’s being transmitted.2. How what they heard is interpreted. 3.The essential requirement that every message MUST be interpreted according to the time circumstances people addressed. 4. No matter who the transmitter is distortion is inbuilt due to the flaws of the people addressed. Hence historical records are usually more or less distorted.

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Spirit world: “Jealousy” is like a raging fire 🔥.It destroys objectivity n makes one look at the object of one’s jealousy with a flaw in one’s opinion/judgement of others.Depending on the strength of the jealousy it can be the cause of self inflicted stress/tension misery.

Spirit world: “Jealousy” is like a raging fire 🔥.It destroys objectivity n makes one look at the object of one’s jealousy with a flaw in one’s opinion/judgement of others.Depending on the strength of the jealousy it can be the cause of self inflicted stress/tension misery.

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Spirit world: “CONTENTMENT”A very rare quality. It has 2 formidable enemies constantly undermining it – Greed n Ambition to acquire more n more. Is there no remedy?For 99% of people there’s no cure.

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Spirit world: “CONTENTMENT”A very rare quality. It has 2 formidable enemies constantly undermining it – Greed n Ambition to acquire more n more. Is there no remedy?For 99% of people there’s no cure.

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Spirit world: “Empires”A 100 years ago the Russian Austria/Hungarian German n Ottoman Empires collapsed. Now it’s time for the Anglo Saxon (Canada USA UK New Zealand Australia) Empire to die.Energetically they’re already dead,n soon will die physically.This is guaranteed n not speculation. Nothing is meant to last.

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Spirit world: “Empires”A 100 years ago the Russian Austria/Hungarian
German n Ottoman Empires collapsed. Now it’s time for the Anglo Saxon (Canada USA UK New Zealand Australia) Empire to die.Energetically they’re already dead,n soon will die physically.This is guaranteed n not speculation. Nothing is meant to last.

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Spirit world: What will happen”When the shit hits the fan” 1.Massive bankruptcies.2. Property Collapse.3.High food,energy,rental costs.4.Political,social,economic chaos.5.Astronomical rise in crime violence suicides.6.Families broken.7.Just when you think it can’t get worse -Natural disasters. This is not a maybe but guaranteed

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Spirit world: What will happen”When the shit hits the fan”
1.Massive bankruptcies.2. Property
Collapse.3.High food,energy,rental costs.4.Political,social,economic chaos.5.Astronomical rise in crime violence suicides.6.Families broken.7.Just when you think it can’t get worse -Natural disasters. This is not a maybe but guaranteed

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Spirit world: “Families breakdown” U won’t need a war,pandemic or economic meltdown.The very worst crisis worldwide is the family breakdown.Humans are facing many different challenges n they simply don’t have the strength to cope.The intensity of the negative energies is going to cause extreme stress,arguments,selfishness,n breakup .

Spirit world: “Families breakdown”
U won’t need a war,pandemic or economic meltdown.The very worst crisis worldwide is the family breakdown.Humans are facing many different challenges n they simply don’t have the strength to cope.The intensity of the negative energies is going to cause extreme stress,arguments,selfishness,n breakup .

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Spirit world: JESUS said at the time I only brought LOVE n taught LOVE but the distortion n opposition to me was inevitable.Why?LOVE is pure gentle n compassionate n will always draw opposition n negative reactions from troubled Souls. Look around u.Has anything changed?

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Spirit world: JESUS said at the time
I only brought LOVE n taught LOVE
but the distortion n opposition to me was inevitable.Why?LOVE is pure gentle n compassionate n will always draw opposition n negative reactions from troubled Souls. Look around u.Has anything changed?

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