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Spirit world:The only obstacle standing in the way of the Reptilian Mafia is a man called – PUTIN. He’s driving them mad and sabotaging all their plans for world dominance.The Reptilians have taken on a challenge they’re going to lose.That old enemy pride got the better of them

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Spirit world:The only obstacle standing in the way of the Reptilian Mafia is a man called –
PUTIN. He’s driving them mad and sabotaging all their plans for world dominance.The Reptilians have taken on a challenge they’re going to lose.That old enemy pride got the better of them

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Spirit world:The negative energy in the Northern hemisphere is strong n unstable.That means a lot of problems.We repeat nothing is going to improve. The Elites are struggling to control their agenda.They know many have awakened to their evil.Expect The worst n be careful

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Spirit world:The negative energy in the Northern hemisphere is strong n unstable.That means a lot of problems.We repeat nothing is going to improve.
The Elites are struggling to control their agenda.They know many have awakened to their evil.Expect
The worst n be careful

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Spirit world: JESUS is Love light n Truth. The Zionists Black Nobility Jesuit Reptilians represent hatred darkness n falsity.Wherever there’s Love Light n Truth there’s always its opposite – Hatred Darkness n Falsity.Never trust or believe them. They don’t know any goodness.

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Spirit world: JESUS is Love light n Truth. The Zionists Black Nobility Jesuit Reptilians represent hatred darkness n falsity.Wherever there’s Love Light n Truth there’s always its opposite – Hatred Darkness n Falsity.Never trust or believe them.
They don’t know any goodness.

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Spirit world: What is love say the Satanist Reptilians that rule over every institution n important governments. How can they know n feel Love n Compassion.They eat Human flesh n drink Human blood. They can take on Human form for periods of time n fool most humans.But their aim is to destroy humans by every means – Wars, vaccines,climate change lies,food inflation n shortages,and much more.Humans are in serious trouble as the breakdown gathers speed. Awake it’s already late.

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Spirit world: What is love say the Satanist Reptilians that rule over every institution n important governments. How can they know n feel Love n Compassion.They eat Human flesh n drink Human blood.
They can take on Human form for periods of time n fool most humans.But their aim is to destroy humans by every means – Wars, vaccines,climate change lies,food inflation n shortages,and much more.Humans are in serious trouble as the breakdown gathers speed. Awake it’s already late.

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Spirit world: “ISRAEL”NETANYAHU is trapped due to his corruption case with the Ultra right Ben Gvir N Smotrich in cabinet. It’s their only chance to push their dream of greater Israel. So what’s next?To grab as much Palestinian land in the West Bank n force them into Jordan.The Ultra right need the war to expand to achieve their goals.If they have to suppress by force the opposition they’ll have no problem The stakes are high so expect much worse for everyone.If you’ve not understood the fascist pattern from the past you’re in for a shock. They have no problem using the nuclear option.2024 is going to be a nightmare year with many other problems worldwide.Don’t fool yourselves it’s really going to be difficult especially in the Middle East. U should think of moving out of harm’s way.

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Spirit world: “ISRAEL”NETANYAHU is trapped due to his corruption case with the Ultra right Ben Gvir N Smotrich in cabinet. It’s their only chance to push their dream of greater Israel. So what’s next?To grab as much Palestinian land in the West Bank n force them into Jordan.The Ultra right need the war to expand to achieve their goals.If they have to suppress by force the opposition they’ll have no problem
The stakes are high so expect much worse for everyone.If you’ve not understood the fascist pattern from the past you’re in for a shock. They have no problem using the nuclear option.2024 is going to be a nightmare year with many other problems worldwide.Don’t fool yourselves it’s really going to be difficult especially in the Middle East. U should think of moving out of harm’s way.

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Spirit world: “Israeli visit of Elon Musk”Many are confused n asking why he visited Israel n not Gaza.If NETANYAHU n government are being charged with crimes against humanity.Should he be associated with war criminals? Does he have the right to consider himself exceptional?The answer to these questions will be out soon. No one is special no matter how rich,how talented.Everyone is accountable.

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Spirit world: “Israeli visit of Elon Musk”Many are confused n asking why he visited Israel n not Gaza.If NETANYAHU n government are being charged with crimes against humanity.Should he be associated with war criminals? Does he have the right to consider himself exceptional?The answer to these questions will be out soon. No one is special no matter how rich,how talented.Everyone is accountable.

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