Spirit world: What’s the point of knowing the truth about life n death,the multiverses n everything else when no one will believe it.If U can answer that u may be ready to begin THE JOURNEY.What does the journey entail?Pain,loneliness, confusion,deep sadness until U are hollowed out to receive the first morsels of Truth
Spirit world:A certain point is reached at the end of a cycle.When Everything heads towards the breakdown.That time is now, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. So it's not about East or West,or who's right or wrong.The decline started long ago.U must adapt fast to survive
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Spirit world: Why are all the Truths so confusing?Always disguised n wrapped in so many mysteries. Why do the scriptures create more differences,disputes n hatred for each other?Even science creates more questions than answers. How long is this journey,n over how many incarnations?It's slower than the SNAIL CROSSING THE FACE OF THE MOON.The ETERNAL ONE IS INFINITE N IS TAKING U ON A JOURNEY THAT DOESN'T END. Don't think just join n drown u self