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Tweets referring to pain and suffering.

Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos. They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s
What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos.
They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world:”MUHARRAM”The month of the Islamic New Year. In this blessed month Lahotar was privileged to grace the earth n experience its many ups n downs. The pain n joy,successus n failures The constant learning appreciation N valuing life as a gift beyond measure thank you

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Spirit world:”MUHARRAM”The month of the Islamic New Year. In this blessed month Lahotar was privileged to grace the earth n experience its many ups n downs.
The pain n joy,successus n failures
The constant learning appreciation
N valuing life as a gift beyond measure thank you

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Spirit world:When you’re under the most pressure always remember one simple thing.There is NO GOD BUT GOD.All else won’t help u.Don’t let your EGO fool u.Its job is to fool u. Be very very careful. Many of u will be tricked by their EGO.Soon you will be deprived of all comfort

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Spirit world:When you’re under the most pressure always remember one simple thing.There is NO
GOD BUT GOD.All else won’t help u.Don’t let your EGO fool u.Its job is to fool u. Be very very careful. Many of u will be tricked by their EGO.Soon you will be deprived of all comfort

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Spirit world:Who are the Elite Reptilians n how far back in history do they go?They go back even before the ancient Egyptians.But didn’t ever have as much power as they do now.They were exterminated many times only to resurface.Due to the misdeeds of humans.This time they’ve made sure to infiltrate every important institution n corrupt people through bribery blackmail n assassination.Their grip on power in the USA Canada UK Australia New Zealand n EU is total.But their uncontrollable pride n over confidence has resulted in blunders.Also they’re no longer in the shadows but out in the open where their reality n weaknesses have been exposed.This makes them very desperate n dangerous. So prepare for an expansion of war Sadly many many are going to die. Even worse is the pain n suffering that humans will have to undergo.

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Spirit world:Who are the Elite Reptilians n how far back in history do they go?They go back even before the ancient Egyptians.But didn’t ever have as much power as they do now.They were exterminated many times only to resurface.Due to the misdeeds of humans.This time they’ve made sure to infiltrate every important institution n corrupt people through bribery blackmail n assassination.Their grip on power in the USA Canada UK Australia New Zealand n EU is total.But their uncontrollable pride n over confidence has resulted in blunders.Also they’re no longer in the shadows but out in the open where their reality n weaknesses have been exposed.This makes them very desperate n dangerous. So prepare for an expansion of war
Sadly many many are going to die.
Even worse is the pain n suffering that humans will have to undergo.

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Spirit world: If Nations Empires n giant Corporations could understand that everything on earth has a lifespan energetically. When the energy expires success turns to failure n new entities rise to replace them.But Human nature struggles to accept that.The result is conflict war n needless suffering

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Spirit world: If Nations Empires n giant Corporations could understand that everything on earth has a lifespan energetically.
When the energy expires success turns to failure n new entities rise to replace them.But Human nature struggles to accept that.The result is conflict war n needless suffering

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