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Spirit world: Why do right wing parties n politicians attack Islam?Why no other religions?Because they’re afraid of Muslims.Why? They ready to die for their beliefs.The Reptilians can’t handle that. So expect an attack on Iran n Muslims.The Chitauri fear when they don’t control

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Spirit world: Why do right wing parties n politicians attack Islam?Why no other religions?Because they’re afraid of Muslims.Why? They ready to die for their beliefs.The Reptilians can’t handle that. So expect an attack on Iran n Muslims.The Chitauri fear when they don’t control

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Spirit world:”Donald j Trump”A marvelous show by Donald,n an obvious put up job to give him some credibility amongst the doubtful.His running mate an obvious Zionist n ready to step in when/if the Donald dies.A distinct possibility.Many of his supporters are in for a rude shock

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Spirit world:”Donald j Trump”A marvelous show by Donald,n an obvious put up job to give him some credibility amongst the doubtful.His running mate an obvious Zionist n ready to step in when/if the Donald dies.A distinct possibility.Many of his supporters are in for a rude shock

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos. They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s
What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos.
They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world:This is a warning to everyone.Matters are going to escalate fast with regards to everything.There’s nothing anyone can do about it.They’re clever but not wise.They don’t understand they’re doomed to fail.But many millions are going to die before they’re defeated.

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Spirit world:This is a warning to everyone.Matters are going to escalate fast with regards to everything.There’s nothing anyone can do about it.They’re clever but not wise.They don’t understand they’re doomed to fail.But many millions are going to die before they’re defeated.

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Spirit world:”Julian Assange”What does his freedom mean?At times sacrifices can be successful.But in the bigger picture it makes no difference to the Reptilian Mafia. They don’t have emotions or empathy.What then? Your best example is Gaza.U must be ready to pay the price-Death

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Spirit world:”Julian Assange”What does his freedom mean?At times sacrifices can be successful.But in the bigger picture it makes no difference to the Reptilian Mafia. They don’t have emotions or empathy.What then? Your best example is Gaza.U must be ready to pay the price-Death

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