Spirit world: The secret of life is to reach the point where nothing matters anymore.Then U are very close to your destination – TOTAL SURRENDER.Then nothing matters
Life,death,wealth,poverty,war peace.U ARE FREE from the prison of life. How delicious a FREEDOM.
Spirit world: What’s the point of knowing the truth about life n death,the multiverses n everything else when no one will believe it.If U can answer that u may be ready to begin THE JOURNEY.What does the journey entail?Pain,loneliness, confusion,deep sadness until U are hollowed out to receive the first morsels of Truth
Spirit world: What’s the point of knowing the truth about life n death,the multiverses n everything else when no one will believe it.If U can answer that u may be ready to begin THE JOURNEY.What does the journey entail?Pain,loneliness, confusion,deep sadness until U are hollowed out to receive the first morsels of Truth
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Spirit world: The virus is Messianic Zionism,an incurable disease eating away at humanity like a cancer. It has infiltrated every aspect of human life n controls everything.Soon the wars,natural disasters,n created pandemics will cause deaths in the billions.Theyre determined to eliminate humanity.
Spirit world: The virus is Messianic Zionism,an incurable disease eating away at humanity like a cancer. It has infiltrated every aspect of human life n controls everything.Soon the wars,natural disasters,n created pandemics will cause deaths in the billions.Theyre determined to eliminate humanity.
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Spirit world:One day to end of 2024.Why is it so important to beware of the end of the old era? Everything works with,n through Energies.The New Energies are very negative.N are strong Destruction Energies.Everything n everyone will be impacted.This is the year of many deaths
Spirit world:One day to end of 2024.Why is it so important to beware of the end of the old era? Everything works with,n through
Energies.The New Energies are very negative.N are strong Destruction Energies.Everything n everyone will be impacted.This is the year of many deaths
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Spirit world:4 days left for the end of the year,the end of a long era. So prepare for everything of the old to breakdown.Nothing is going to improve,learn to live frugal n help care n share.Challenges are going to be very severe. Illnesses n deaths are spiking,n disasters await
Spirit world:4 days left for the end of the year,the end of a long era. So prepare for everything of the old to breakdown.Nothing is going to improve,learn to live frugal n help care n share.Challenges are going to be very severe. Illnesses n deaths are spiking,n disasters await
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Spirit world: Today is 26.12.24. 5 days to end of the year.Then the old era is truly over.Jan 2025 will see a rapid decline in everything. The Northern Hemisphere is going to have many problems.Wars are going to escalate,also bankruptcy inflation homelessness,vaccine deaths crime violence n suicides
Spirit world: Today is 26.12.24. 5 days to end of the year.Then the old era is truly over.Jan 2025 will see a rapid decline in everything. The Northern Hemisphere is going to have many problems.Wars are going to escalate,also bankruptcy inflation homelessness,vaccine deaths crime violence n suicides
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