Spirit world:What are the main signs of the BREAKDOWN?2 things to watch.Speed n extremities.All that’s negative happening with breathtaking speed n in extreme.All relationships under stress.Many have mental/physical issues resorting to psychotic drugs.What now? Only worse coming

Spirit world:What are the main signs of the BREAKDOWN?2 things to watch.Speed n extremities.All that’s negative happening with breathtaking speed n in extreme.All relationships under stress.Many have mental/physical issues resorting to psychotic drugs.What now? Only worse coming

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Spirit world: The ENERGIES now being released onto the EARTH are so extraordinarily strong.They’re going to wreak havoc all over the Earth.Please don’t underestimate this advice.U will find most humans rattled n very disturbed.Especially the political religious corporate elites.

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Spirit world: The ENERGIES now being released onto the EARTH are so extraordinarily strong.They’re going to wreak havoc all over the Earth.Please don’t underestimate this advice.U will find most humans rattled n very disturbed.Especially the political religious corporate elites.

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