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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up

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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up

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Spirit world: Its not that the Elites are all powerful n incapable of blunders.But they’re trying to create a picture of their powers. That it’s hopeless resisting their depopulation agenda.The truth is that they’re scared that they’ve been exposed.That humans are fighting back n will destroy them

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Spirit world: Its not that the Elites are all powerful n incapable of blunders.But they’re trying to create a picture of their powers. That it’s hopeless resisting their depopulation agenda.The truth is that they’re scared that they’ve been exposed.That humans are fighting back n will destroy them

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Spirit world:Said Yakoobi Rothschild,there’s no such thing as democracy.Since we own all the parties it makes no difference.The GOYIM are stupid but it gives them the illusion of “democracy”.No change takes place unless we allow it.Know for sure we control everything n everyone

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Spirit world:Said Yakoobi Rothschild,there’s no such thing as democracy.Since we own all the parties it makes no difference.The GOYIM are stupid but it gives them the illusion of “democracy”.No change takes place unless we allow it.Know for sure we control everything n everyone

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Spirit world:Imagine all the lying, killing,corruption,wars,oppression, exploitation for momentary power n wealth.Even though they know they’re going to die n leave it all behind.Their minds are overactive, confused,their hearts asleep. Eventually to die,for what?Nothing gained

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Spirit world:Imagine all the lying, killing,corruption,wars,oppression, exploitation for momentary power n wealth.Even though they know they’re going to die n leave it all behind.Their minds are overactive, confused,their hearts asleep. Eventually to die,for what?Nothing gained

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Spirit world: “Elections”Totally Meaningless exercise in voting for either party.When both are owned n controlled by the Elites.They’re not so stupid to allow the masses to determine anything.But if it makes u feel better to vote, enjoy yourselves.But don’t expect any changes.

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Spirit world: “Elections”Totally Meaningless exercise in voting for either party.When both are owned n controlled by the Elites.They’re not so stupid to allow the masses to determine anything.But if it makes u feel better to vote, enjoy yourselves.But don’t expect any changes.

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Spirit world:The Reptilians have created a hybrid breed of human n Reptilian who shape shift. They’re a vicious lot who hold powerful positions in important governments,religions,military n finance.They lack empathy n normal human emotions.They’re THE DEEP STATE,ELITES.Beware of the coming world disasters

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Spirit world:The Reptilians have created a hybrid breed of human n Reptilian who shape shift. They’re a vicious lot who hold powerful positions in important governments,religions,military n finance.They lack empathy n normal human emotions.They’re THE DEEP STATE,ELITES.Beware of the coming world disasters

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