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Spirit world:How do you know that he is not here already?How do u know that he’s not working energetically to do whatever is needed?Why do u think he needs to come as scripture says he will?Think very carefully because he is who he is. He is not bound to anything but PURE LOVE

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Spirit world:How do you know that he is not here already?How do u know that he’s not working energetically to do whatever is needed?Why do u think he needs to come as scripture says he will?Think very carefully because he is who he is. He is not bound to anything but PURE LOVE

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Spirit world:After all that’s said n done by whoever.The only energy that frightens n disrupts the plans of the Elites n Reptilians is the energy of LOVE.Mostly the reaction to them is fear hatred disgust anger revenge.They thrive on that.But they can’t handle the energy of Love

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Spirit world:After all that’s said n done by whoever.The only energy that frightens n disrupts the plans of the Elites n Reptilians is the energy of LOVE.Mostly the reaction to them is fear hatred disgust anger revenge.They thrive on that.But they can’t handle the energy of Love

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Spirit world: No matter how powerful an individual or nation might have been.Their power is not meant to last beyond the expiry of the energy that sustains them.The energy for Western dominance is expired.If they don’t accept their fate it will mean their complete destruction.

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Spirit world: No matter how powerful an individual or nation might have been.Their power is not meant to last beyond the expiry of the energy that sustains them.The energy for Western dominance is expired.If they don’t accept their fate it will mean their complete destruction.

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Spirit world: If Nations Empires n giant Corporations could understand that everything on earth has a lifespan energetically. When the energy expires success turns to failure n new entities rise to replace them.But Human nature struggles to accept that.The result is conflict war n needless suffering

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Spirit world: If Nations Empires n giant Corporations could understand that everything on earth has a lifespan energetically.
When the energy expires success turns to failure n new entities rise to replace them.But Human nature struggles to accept that.The result is conflict war n needless suffering

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Spirit world: What’s meant by the energy of Love/Jesus.If one were to take everything that’s negative on earth.Such as hate,anger,Fear, frustration,murder.war etc.The total negative energy of all combined would be 100,000 units The energy of LOVE IS INFINITE. Most are ignorant of this reality.

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Spirit world: What’s meant by the energy of Love/Jesus.If one were to take everything that’s negative on earth.Such as hate,anger,Fear, frustration,murder.war etc.The total negative energy of all combined would be 100,000 units
The energy of LOVE IS INFINITE. Most are ignorant of this reality.

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Spirit world:The negative energy in the Northern hemisphere is strong n unstable.That means a lot of problems.We repeat nothing is going to improve. The Elites are struggling to control their agenda.They know many have awakened to their evil.Expect The worst n be careful

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Spirit world:The negative energy in the Northern hemisphere is strong n unstable.That means a lot of problems.We repeat nothing is going to improve.
The Elites are struggling to control their agenda.They know many have awakened to their evil.Expect
The worst n be careful

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