Spirit world: How to best deal with troubled souls who are family members n friends?U may not believe this but it’s very helpful. Whenever they cause problems, give your back to them and make the intention that it’s helping them. How?By farting towards them thrice whilst smiling.

Spirit world: How to best deal with troubled souls who are family members n friends?U may not believe this but it’s very helpful. Whenever they cause problems, give your back to them and make the intention that it’s helping them. How?By farting towards them thrice whilst smiling.

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Spirit world:Why do some religious people in all religions become extreme?It’s not so much about religion they belong to,but who they are at Soul level.All the extremists religious,political,n corporate are troubled souls.They won’t change, they’re young unevolved,n foolish souls

Spirit world:Why do some religious people in all religions become extreme?It’s not so much about religion they belong to,but who they are at Soul level.All the extremists religious,political,n corporate are troubled souls.They won’t change, they’re young unevolved,n foolish souls

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