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Tweets relating to human evolution and incarnation.

Spirit world:”Upside Down”People look n judge others by their wealth, profession,pedigree,race,colour religion.Thats just the outer facade n very superficial.What matters is who they are of SOUL.Usually the outer facade hides a very ugly reality.Many are lowly evolved SOULS

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Spirit world:”Upside Down”People look n judge others by their wealth, profession,pedigree,race,colour religion.Thats just the outer facade n very superficial.What matters is who they are of SOUL.Usually the outer facade hides a very ugly reality.Many are lowly evolved SOULS

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Spirit world:The trouble with all religions is that they get interpreted n distorted by those who are the least evolved.They take a hard line and misinterpret everything. If there’s no LOVE N FREEDOM then there’s nothing. Remember there’s no hell or heaven.Its s human experience

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Spirit world:The trouble with all religions is that they get interpreted n distorted by those who are the least evolved.They take a hard line and misinterpret everything. If there’s no LOVE N FREEDOM then there’s nothing. Remember there’s no hell or heaven.Its s human experience

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Spirit world:”Falling in Love”Many use the word Love but haven’t really experienced it.Some call infatuation love,some strong sexual desire Love.About 10% of people experience true Love.The 1 precondition for falling/being in Love is that it’s graced on evolved souls n those are always very few.

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Spirit world:”Falling in Love”Many use the word Love but haven’t really experienced it.Some call infatuation love,some strong sexual desire Love.About 10% of people experience true Love.The 1 precondition for falling/being in Love is that it’s graced on evolved souls n those are always very few.

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Spirit world: Unknown n unseen a hidden ancient war is ongoing by the Reptilians on earth n highly advanced aliens.The aliens want to help humans not only overcome the Reptilians but learn to evolve to a higher level.Its difficult for humans to understand how unevolved they are

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Spirit world: Unknown n unseen a hidden ancient war is ongoing by the Reptilians on earth n highly advanced aliens.The aliens want to help humans not only overcome the Reptilians but learn to evolve to a higher level.Its difficult for humans to understand how unevolved they are

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Spirit world: “Destruction” The merits n benefits of destruction n rebirth.Every civilization has to go through the stages of Birth Growth Decline n Death.Eventually given the nature of humans everything gets corrupted.Then everything is destroyed n the cycle begins again The Human experience is not understood by most. So very few benefit from the opportunities.

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Spirit world: “Destruction” The merits n benefits of destruction n rebirth.Every civilization has to go through the stages of Birth Growth
Decline n Death.Eventually given the nature of humans everything gets corrupted.Then everything is destroyed n the cycle begins again
The Human experience is not understood by most. So very few benefit from the opportunities.

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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.

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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.

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