Spirit world:What is meant by the Great Breakdown?It’s the end of the Great Cycle when everything is destroyed n rebirth takes place. The very worst takes place led by the lowest souls.Can anything be done to avoid it?No,but a common sense approach can soften the pain/suffering.The time has come now for the rich to be taught a lesson.Their money is useless.They will experience poor health,broken families,n financial problems.Why?To show them the reality that ultimately “There is no God but God”All the rest is what it’s always been – a passing illusion
Spirit world:As the Human vacuum becomes stronger.The impact on every individual is going to be very devastating psychologically n on their physical health.Families n marriages are going to breakup with loneliness n alienation becoming normal.Don’t say you weren’t warned,beware
Spirit world:As the Human vacuum becomes stronger.The impact on every individual is going to be very devastating psychologically n on their physical health.Families n marriages are going to breakup with loneliness n alienation becoming normal.Don’t say you weren’t warned,beware
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Spirit world: When Love is not understood or misunderstood. As is the case with the “Elites”.Then the BREAKDOWN of everything becomes inevitable.Everything is now in rapid break up.The next “pandemic” is going to destroy many many people.Warn your families n friends,it’s late
Spirit world: When Love is not understood or misunderstood. As is the case with the “Elites”.Then the BREAKDOWN of everything becomes inevitable.Everything is now in rapid break up.The next “pandemic” is going to destroy many many people.Warn your families n friends,it’s late
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Spirit world: The rape n brutal murder of the young Indian lady doctor is exactly what is going to become common.The Human vaccum we’ve been warning about is going to wreak havoc in families n communities everywhere.We believe u don’t understand the madness of the human vaccum
Spirit world: The rape n brutal murder of the young Indian lady doctor is exactly what is going to become common.The Human vaccum we’ve been warning about is going to wreak havoc in families n communities everywhere.We believe u don’t understand the madness of the human vaccum
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Spirit world: Elon Musk’s daughter is exposing him to be a fake in terms of everything he projects about himself.That he’s a creation of the monstrosity of apartheid South Africa. Is it true?Is she exaggerating?Evidence coming out suggests that his daughter knows him well.Even the best PR job can’t hide the truth for long. Check out her statement n decide yourself
Spirit world: Elon Musk’s daughter is exposing him to be a fake in terms of everything he projects about himself.That he’s a creation of the monstrosity of apartheid South Africa. Is it true?Is she exaggerating?Evidence coming out suggests that his daughter knows him well.Even the best PR job can’t hide the truth for long. Check out her statement n decide yourself
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Spirit world”FREEDOM”What stands in the way of Freedom? Most things permanent, marriage,regular job,Religion, belief in politics/politicians.N that old enemy FEAR of losing something or other.Experience the beauty of Love in the madness of Freedom. My heart lives in n for freedom
Spirit world”FREEDOM”What stands in the way of Freedom? Most things permanent, marriage,regular job,Religion, belief in politics/politicians.N that old enemy FEAR of losing something or other.Experience the beauty of Love in the madness of Freedom. My heart lives in n for freedom
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