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You are viewing Foolishness Pride and Ignorance

Tweets referring to Foolishness, Pride and Ignorance

Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world: Two things that have not been understood by Humans. When Humans defecate n see the smelly goo that comes out of them And when they have sex,that’s no different to animals.The creator made it to remind Humans of their lowly status n prevent pride.Even that failed to soften their pride.

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Spirit world: Two things that have not been understood by Humans. When Humans defecate n see the smelly goo that comes out of them
And when they have sex,that’s no different to animals.The creator made it to remind Humans of their lowly status n prevent pride.Even that failed to soften their pride.

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Spirit world:We in the spirit world find it strange that the Jews hate Christians n Muslims.Why? Because Muhammad the prophet is the same Soul as prophet Jacob whose 12 sons are the 12 Tribes of Israel.Who would Muhammad support?None.He’d say their actions are based on ignorance.

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Spirit world:We in the spirit world find it strange that the Jews hate Christians n Muslims.Why? Because Muhammad the prophet is the same Soul as prophet Jacob whose 12 sons are the 12 Tribes of Israel.Who would Muhammad support?None.He’d say their actions are based on ignorance.

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Spirit world:When ignorance drives humans to war as a solution Know that mankind is very close to major upheavals in every aspect of life.Their minds have broken down n desperation has become normal. We advise again please stock up with food n water for 6-12 weeks.

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Spirit world:When ignorance drives humans to war as a solution
Know that mankind is very close to major upheavals in every aspect of life.Their minds have broken down n desperation has become normal.
We advise again please stock up with food n water for 6-12 weeks.

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Spirit world:The populations of the world are many but have no power. The ELITES are a handful but have power.They’ve decided to reduce the earth’s population by every means.This means many deaths by wars pandemics food water etc. Humans are foolish n easily lied to. Only pain n suffering awaits u

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Spirit world:The populations of the world are many but have no power. The ELITES are a handful but have power.They’ve decided to reduce the earth’s population by every means.This means many deaths by wars pandemics food water etc. Humans are foolish n easily lied to.
Only pain n suffering awaits u

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Spirit world: Will the conflicts in Ukraine n the Middle East be resolved soon?No,not soon.Why?It’s not in their interests to resolve it presently.Not Until their losses become unsustainable.Also their time is up n they’ll make mistakes leading to their downfall.If looked at objectively they’re shooting themselves to defeat n breakup.

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Spirit world: Will the conflicts in Ukraine n the Middle East be resolved soon?No,not soon.Why?It’s not in their interests to resolve it presently.Not Until their losses become unsustainable.Also their time is up n they’ll make mistakes leading to their downfall.If looked at objectively they’re shooting themselves to defeat n breakup.

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