Spirit world:Do Humans have emotions in spirit/soul world?No. They have no families,friends,or relationships as in physical world. There is complete detachment n full understanding of reasons,n needs to incarnate constantly.Human evolution through experiences is very slow process

Spirit world:Do Humans have emotions in spirit/soul world?No. They have no families,friends,or relationships as in physical world. There is complete detachment n full understanding of reasons,n needs to incarnate constantly.Human evolution through experiences is very slow process

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Spirit world:Why is freedom so important?Without freedom humans are usually governed by fear,prejudice,obligations,n that stifles human potential for growth n evolution.Because humans are sent to earth mainly to promote their own growth.Without causing harm n difficulty to others

Spirit world:Why is freedom so important?Without freedom humans are usually governed by fear,prejudice,obligations,n that stifles human potential for growth n evolution.Because humans are sent to earth mainly to promote their own growth.Without causing harm n difficulty to others

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