Spirit world: “Netanyahu”Who is he n what has he done?The Zionist project started in the 19th century.
Israel came into being in 1948.1 man cornered by corruption charges is forced to drag everyone including the state of Israel down. The Western countries have been in charge since the end of the 1st world war. Now 1 man is destroying
Everything including the West n its colonial lackeys.And no one can stop him.Divine justice?Pay back time?The beginning of the end of the old era?The Great Breakdown is bringing this last cycle to the end in a cataclysm n no one can stop it.Humanity has failed to live up to the many gifts given it over millennia to uplift themselves.
The Human project has to be destroyed.A new cycle with very few evolved Humans will be tasked to begin the new cycle.Humans forgot their Divine origins n Soul reality.