Spirit world: The ruling Elites have become desensitised proud n over confident.The results are what happened in the past.Their self destruction by them being their best enemies. Soon suddenly n without warning their challenges will consume n overwhelm them.
Spirit world: 31.12.24. at midnight tonight the old era n the old contract with mankind ends.Then what?Then mankind,the energetic shift now in progress is going to wreak havoc,especially in the Northern hemisphere.Nothing we repeat nothing is going to improve. Remember our warnings,it’s the Great Breakdown. So care n share n don’t be selfish n shortsighted
Spirit world: 31.12.24. at midnight tonight the old era n the old contract with mankind ends.Then what?Then mankind,the energetic shift now in progress is going to wreak havoc,especially in the Northern hemisphere.Nothing we repeat nothing is going to improve.
Remember our warnings,it’s the Great Breakdown. So care n share n don’t be selfish n shortsighted
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Spirit world:One day to end of 2024.Why is it so important to beware of the end of the old era? Everything works with,n through Energies.The New Energies are very negative.N are strong Destruction Energies.Everything n everyone will be impacted.This is the year of many deaths
Spirit world:One day to end of 2024.Why is it so important to beware of the end of the old era? Everything works with,n through
Energies.The New Energies are very negative.N are strong Destruction Energies.Everything n everyone will be impacted.This is the year of many deaths
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Spirit world:3 days to the end of 2024.Mankind has reached the present level of technological advancement before.And made the same mistakes by ascribing the gifts of the ETERNAL ONE to themselves.Ultimately destroyed themselves through pride.Mankind heading in same direction -TOTAL DESTRUCTION.Its unavoidable.
Spirit world:3 days to the end of 2024.Mankind has reached the present level of technological advancement before.And made the same mistakes by ascribing the gifts of the ETERNAL ONE to themselves.Ultimately destroyed themselves through pride.Mankind heading in same direction -TOTAL DESTRUCTION.Its unavoidable.
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Spirit world:4 days left for the end of the year,the end of a long era. So prepare for everything of the old to breakdown.Nothing is going to improve,learn to live frugal n help care n share.Challenges are going to be very severe. Illnesses n deaths are spiking,n disasters await
Spirit world:4 days left for the end of the year,the end of a long era. So prepare for everything of the old to breakdown.Nothing is going to improve,learn to live frugal n help care n share.Challenges are going to be very severe. Illnesses n deaths are spiking,n disasters await
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Spirit world:”Billionaires”They lack empathy,sympathy,Compassion, sensitivity.They have too much greed n fear insecurity.Most suffer from erectile dysfunction early ejaculation wild mood swings due to anti depressants. In short they’re barely Human.Their aim to depopulate earth
Spirit world:”Billionaires”They lack empathy,sympathy,Compassion, sensitivity.They have too much greed n fear insecurity.Most suffer from erectile dysfunction early ejaculation wild mood swings due to anti depressants. In short they’re barely Human.Their aim to depopulate earth
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