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Spirit world: Nothing is going to change for the better.They want an extension of the current wars.U must begin to change your way of thinking.Or else u won’t be able to cope with the problems coming. Many are going to die n that too u will have to accept. Live frugal n simple.

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Spirit world: Nothing is going to change for the better.They want an extension of the current wars.U must begin to change your way of thinking.Or else u won’t be able to cope with the problems coming. Many are going to die n that too u will have to accept. Live frugal n simple.

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Spirit world: Russia is being pushed to the brink of taking the war to the Western world directly. Most people don’t understand the terrible consequences of such a critical move.There’s no stopping the escalation towards what no one can imagine.Enjoy your life while u can.

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Spirit world: Russia is being pushed to the brink of taking the war to the Western world directly.
Most people don’t understand the terrible consequences of such a critical move.There’s no stopping the escalation towards what no one can imagine.Enjoy your life while u can.

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Spirit world: No matter how powerful an individual or nation might have been.Their power is not meant to last beyond the expiry of the energy that sustains them.The energy for Western dominance is expired.If they don’t accept their fate it will mean their complete destruction.

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Spirit world: No matter how powerful an individual or nation might have been.Their power is not meant to last beyond the expiry of the energy that sustains them.The energy for Western dominance is expired.If they don’t accept their fate it will mean their complete destruction.

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Spirit world: Are the Western nations humans?Can Humans turn a blind eye to the killings in Gaza?No.Most of them are Reptilians using the Human form.They lack Human feelings n empathy.They’re a tiny minority but control most governments.Their plan to destroy humans by all means

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Spirit world: Are the Western nations humans?Can Humans turn a blind eye to the killings in Gaza?No.Most of them are Reptilians using the Human form.They lack Human feelings n empathy.They’re a tiny minority but control most governments.Their plan to destroy humans by all means

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Spirit world:It won’t be long now before major upheavals take place They’re desperate and that means they’re going to push their agenda of chaos and destruction. Most people Don’t believe anything they say n they know it. So they’re going to pass Draconian laws to control you

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Spirit world:It won’t be long now before major upheavals take place
They’re desperate and that means they’re going to push their agenda of chaos and destruction. Most people Don’t believe anything they say n they know it. So they’re going to pass Draconian laws to control you

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Spirit world:Technology versus Humanity”They’ve definitely got very highly advanced technology. N they’re determined to reduce the world population by every means. So who will be victorious?Humans will Eventually overpower the Elites But at a very heavy cost -5 billion will at least die if not more.

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Spirit world:Technology versus Humanity”They’ve definitely got very highly advanced technology.
N they’re determined to reduce the world population by every means.
So who will be victorious?Humans will Eventually overpower the Elites
But at a very heavy cost -5 billion will at least die if not more.

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