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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos. They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s
What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos.
They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them

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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them

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Spirit world:”Upside Down”People look n judge others by their wealth, profession,pedigree,race,colour religion.Thats just the outer facade n very superficial.What matters is who they are of SOUL.Usually the outer facade hides a very ugly reality.Many are lowly evolved SOULS

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Spirit world:”Upside Down”People look n judge others by their wealth, profession,pedigree,race,colour religion.Thats just the outer facade n very superficial.What matters is who they are of SOUL.Usually the outer facade hides a very ugly reality.Many are lowly evolved SOULS

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Spirit world: What comes in the way of most humans?FEAR AND BAD HABITS FROM THE PAST.U don’t understand that a human life is only a human experience to help u to grow your soul.But most are stuck in the world of form to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Awake it’s late.

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Spirit world: What comes in the way of most humans?FEAR AND BAD HABITS FROM THE PAST.U don’t understand that a human life is only a human experience to help u to grow your soul.But most are stuck in the world of form to take advantage of this rare opportunity.
Awake it’s late.

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Spirit world: “The prize”Humans have a misunderstanding of the meaning n necessity of constant struggles.If the prize u aim for is high,the price to pay will/must be high.Most want the prize but aren’t ready to pay the price. So very little progress takes place.Allow yourself to struggle,it’s the food of the Soul.

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Spirit world: “The prize”Humans have a misunderstanding of the meaning n necessity of constant struggles.If the prize u aim for is high,the price to pay will/must be high.Most want the prize but aren’t ready to pay the price. So very little progress takes place.Allow yourself to struggle,it’s the food of the Soul.

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Spirit world:Imagine all the lying, killing,corruption,wars,oppression, exploitation for momentary power n wealth.Even though they know they’re going to die n leave it all behind.Their minds are overactive, confused,their hearts asleep. Eventually to die,for what?Nothing gained

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Spirit world:Imagine all the lying, killing,corruption,wars,oppression, exploitation for momentary power n wealth.Even though they know they’re going to die n leave it all behind.Their minds are overactive, confused,their hearts asleep. Eventually to die,for what?Nothing gained

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