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Spirit world:When you’re under the most pressure always remember one simple thing.There is NO GOD BUT GOD.All else won’t help u.Don’t let your EGO fool u.Its job is to fool u. Be very very careful. Many of u will be tricked by their EGO.Soon you will be deprived of all comfort

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Spirit world:When you’re under the most pressure always remember one simple thing.There is NO
GOD BUT GOD.All else won’t help u.Don’t let your EGO fool u.Its job is to fool u. Be very very careful. Many of u will be tricked by their EGO.Soon you will be deprived of all comfort

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Spirit world:How do you know that he is not here already?How do u know that he’s not working energetically to do whatever is needed?Why do u think he needs to come as scripture says he will?Think very carefully because he is who he is. He is not bound to anything but PURE LOVE

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Spirit world:How do you know that he is not here already?How do u know that he’s not working energetically to do whatever is needed?Why do u think he needs to come as scripture says he will?Think very carefully because he is who he is. He is not bound to anything but PURE LOVE

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Spirit world:Often truth is hidden behind many veils.Why is that?The sun cannot be looked at without sunglasses.The truth is hidden behind many many gazillion times more powerful veils than the sun.U don’t have any automatic right to truth.U have to prove yourself to be worthy.

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Spirit world:Often truth is hidden behind many veils.Why is that?The sun cannot be looked at without sunglasses.The truth is hidden behind many many gazillion times more powerful veils than the sun.U don’t have any automatic right to truth.U have to prove yourself to be worthy.

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Spirit world: “TRUE LOVE” is so very very powerful that it never dies.The whole purpose of incarnations is somewhere on the journey of infinity to reach the destiny of TRUE LOVE.All the pain n suffering of endless lifetimes is to finally go home to LOVE/GOD THE ETERNAL ONE.

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Spirit world: “TRUE LOVE” is so very very powerful that it never dies.The whole purpose of incarnations is somewhere on the journey of infinity to reach the destiny of TRUE LOVE.All the pain n suffering of endless lifetimes is to finally go home to LOVE/GOD THE ETERNAL ONE.

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Spirit world: There was a mourning ceremony in spirit world by the founding fathers,Lincoln n others for broken down state of America.The Lord most high sent the formidable Gurujee Maharaj to console them. At this point they cried out Viva LA Donald n everyone shouted Viva Viva.

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Spirit world: There was a mourning ceremony in spirit world by the founding fathers,Lincoln n others for broken down state of America.The Lord most high sent the formidable Gurujee Maharaj to console them. At this point they cried out Viva LA Donald n everyone shouted Viva Viva.

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Spirit world:”God also has a phone number”From the depth of your ❤️ heart silently cry out.Please help me through this darkness.I have no one else to help me. I’ve tried everything pride arrogance stubbornness stupidity,nothing works.I want to come back home, please help me lord

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Spirit world:”God also has a phone number”From the depth of your ❤️ heart silently cry out.Please help me through this darkness.I have no one else to help me. I’ve tried everything pride arrogance stubbornness stupidity,nothing works.I want to come back home, please help me lord

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