Spirit world:Humanity is in a downward spiral,and yet they’re clutching to ideas whose time long expired,leaders who are clueless,greedy,selfish,are only focused on getting rich. No one can help as you’re not ready to help yourselves.Result?You’re doomed to suffer pain ignominy
Spirit world: Why are all the Truths so confusing?Always disguised n wrapped in so many mysteries. Why do the scriptures create more differences,disputes n hatred for each other?Even science creates more questions than answers. How long is this journey,n over how many incarnations?It's slower than the SNAIL CROSSING THE FACE OF THE MOON.The ETERNAL ONE IS INFINITE N IS TAKING U ON A JOURNEY THAT DOESN'T END. Don't think just join n drown u self
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Spirit world: Once U understand that you're in a human experience to promote your Soul growth.U will no longer look at things via anger hatred frustration.Each Soul is on its own journey n has been given a lifetime as per their own needs. Always be kind generous patient n help others wherever u can. There's no hell but there is a very painful regret for foolish actions n lost opportunities.