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Tweets referring to humans stuck on earth, worldliness, etc.

Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them

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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them

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Spirit world: Wounded lost totally disillusioned he began to look for the meaning and purpose of life. After much searching he found the way of love with a Spiritual Master. For the first time the heart found peace.Not in the material world but deep in the heart.U too can find peace contentment through the way of Love

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Spirit world: Wounded lost totally disillusioned he began to look for the meaning and purpose of life. After much searching he found the way of love with a Spiritual Master.
For the first time the heart found peace.Not in the material world but deep in the heart.U too can find peace contentment through the way of Love

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Spirit world:USA EU NATO G7 may have been powerful.But also very arrogant short sighted materially greedy n lack common sense. Now it can safely be said that they’re on target for self destruction. In trying to destroy others they’ve undermined their nations.Soon they’ll be gone

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Spirit world:USA EU NATO G7 may have been powerful.But also very arrogant short sighted materially greedy n lack common sense. Now it can safely be said that they’re on target for self destruction. In trying to destroy others they’ve undermined their nations.Soon they’ll be gone

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Spirit world: Being very rich n powerful doesn’t make them automatically intelligent sensitive compassionate knowledgeable. Some may have some of the above qualities.But most are very lowly evolved clueless troubled Souls fully immersed in the material world.Don’t expect anything from them but selfishness n cruelty.

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Spirit world: Being very rich n powerful doesn’t make them automatically intelligent sensitive compassionate knowledgeable. Some may have some of the above qualities.But most are very lowly evolved clueless troubled Souls fully immersed in the material world.Don’t expect anything from them but selfishness n cruelty.

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Spirit world:The search for meaning to Life can only begin when one becomes totally disillusioned with the material world.For most people it’s too early in their evolutionary journey to pursue anything other than their material life. How Many are ready?vvv few n soon almost none

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Spirit world:The search for meaning to Life can only begin when one becomes totally disillusioned with the material world.For most people it’s too early in their evolutionary journey to pursue anything other than their material life. How Many are ready?vvv few n soon almost none

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