Spirit world:Humanity is in a downward spiral,and yet they’re clutching to ideas whose time long expired,leaders who are clueless,greedy,selfish,are only focused on getting rich. No one can help as you’re not ready to help yourselves.Result?You’re doomed to suffer pain ignominy
Spirit world:They keep writing about wealth n power. As if it’s the be all n end all of life. Validating their greed n wealth accumulation through unsavoury means.Then using the wealth to corrupt politicians n organisations to pass favourable laws n pay minimal taxes. How long will u get away with it?History is full of your kind of buffoons.
Spirit world:They keep writing about wealth n power. As if it’s the be all n end all of life. Validating their greed n wealth accumulation through unsavoury means.Then using the wealth to corrupt politicians n organisations to pass favourable laws n pay minimal taxes. How long will u get away with it?History is full of your kind of buffoons.
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Spirit world: “Choice”U have a choice between stinginess n generosity,pride n humbleness, cruelty n kindness,knowledge n ignorance,truth n falsity,this ephemeral world n infinity of U Soul. So choose wisely n don’t be caught by the glitter of the world.Soon JESUS will be here
Spirit world: “Choice”U have a choice between stinginess n generosity,pride n humbleness, cruelty n kindness,knowledge n ignorance,truth n falsity,this ephemeral world n infinity of U Soul. So choose wisely n don’t be caught by the glitter of the world.Soon JESUS will be here
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Spirit world: The “3rd world”or “Global South”has had to pay the price for centuries of Western Greed exploitation n oppression. As the war in Ukraine spreads to Europe n levels it down to 3rd world conditions.Only by direct experience can Europe know what injustice truly means
Spirit world: The “3rd world”or “Global South”has had to pay the price for centuries of Western Greed exploitation n oppression. As the war in Ukraine spreads to Europe n levels it down to 3rd world conditions.Only by direct experience can Europe know what injustice truly means
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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.
Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.
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Spirit world:Bribery corruption blackmail uncontrollable Greed is rampant everywhere.Its as though a collective madness disease is the new normal.The poor have no clue of the disasters awaiting them Such a situation can’t be sustained for long before everything explodes everywhere
Spirit world:Bribery corruption blackmail uncontrollable Greed is rampant everywhere.Its as though a collective madness disease is the new normal.The poor have no clue of the disasters awaiting them
Such a situation can’t be sustained for long before everything explodes everywhere
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