Spirit world:Humanity is in a downward spiral,and yet they’re clutching to ideas whose time long expired,leaders who are clueless,greedy,selfish,are only focused on getting rich. No one can help as you’re not ready to help yourselves.Result?You’re doomed to suffer pain ignominy
Spirit world:”YOUTH”The beauty of Youth with its innocence carefree spirit.Then comes adulthood n imprisonment in the sausage machine.Very few escape the machine unscathed.Usually they die in the machine.N Youthful freedom long gone,left only with old age misery ill health death
Spirit world:”YOUTH”The beauty of Youth with its innocence carefree spirit.Then comes adulthood n imprisonment in the sausage machine.Very few escape the machine unscathed.Usually they die in the machine.N Youthful freedom long gone,left only with old age misery ill health death
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Spirit world:Once the dogs of War are unleashed it’s very difficult to stop.The difference being that in the past the old energies were still active n valid. Now the old energies have expired n the new energies means the destruction of ALL THE OLD institutions ideologies n governments.But the Elites are unaware n will be totally destroyed.
Spirit world:Once the dogs of War are unleashed it’s very difficult to stop.The difference being that in the past the old energies were still active n valid. Now the old energies have expired n the new energies means the destruction of ALL THE OLD institutions ideologies n governments.But the Elites are unaware n will be totally destroyed.
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Spirit world: “Empires”A 100 years ago the Russian Austria/Hungarian German n Ottoman Empires collapsed. Now it’s time for the Anglo Saxon (Canada USA UK New Zealand Australia) Empire to die.Energetically they’re already dead,n soon will die physically.This is guaranteed n not speculation. Nothing is meant to last.
Spirit world: “Empires”A 100 years ago the Russian Austria/Hungarian
German n Ottoman Empires collapsed. Now it’s time for the Anglo Saxon (Canada USA UK New Zealand Australia) Empire to die.Energetically they’re already dead,n soon will die physically.This is guaranteed n not speculation. Nothing is meant to last.
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Spirit world: Until u understand what a breakdown is nothing will make sense.The Energies of the old cycle have expired.That means a destruction takes place before a rebirth.Everything is collapsing n no one can stop it.Look around u everything is a mess.U need to care n share or else you’re doomed
Spirit world: Until u understand what a breakdown is nothing will make sense.The Energies of the old cycle have expired.That means a destruction takes place before a rebirth.Everything is collapsing n no one can stop it.Look around u everything is a mess.U need to care n share or else you’re doomed
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Spirit world: There’s now a big problem for the ELITE/DEEP STATE The old energies having expired will no longer be successful in their devious cunning ruthless ways as before.They are now making serious errors n many are awakening to their dirty actions. Ukraine was their biggest blunder. Now more defeats await them.
Spirit world: There’s now a big problem for the ELITE/DEEP STATE
The old energies having expired will no longer be successful in their devious cunning ruthless ways as before.They are now making serious errors n many are awakening to their dirty actions. Ukraine was their biggest blunder. Now more defeats await them.
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