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You are viewing Emotionality Guilt Fear and Shame

Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.

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Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.

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Spirit world: The insane desire by the super rich n powerful to acquire more n more wealth n power is harming the Elites most.Why?Because excessive wealth also creates excessive fear n insecurity of losing it.Thus they become more desperate n make decisions that destroys them

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Spirit world: The insane desire by the super rich n powerful to acquire more n more wealth n power is harming the Elites most.Why?Because excessive wealth also creates excessive fear n insecurity of losing it.Thus they become more desperate n make decisions that destroys them

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Spirit world:”Possessions”U only possess what is not lost in a shipwreck. In the end nothing will save u from dying empty handed. Not technology,not wealth,not reputation.What then?Do good to others,it’s doing good to yourself. The Elites are control freaks, insecure n fearful

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Spirit world:”Possessions”U only possess what is not lost in a shipwreck. In the end nothing will save u from dying empty handed. Not technology,not wealth,not reputation.What then?Do good to others,it’s doing good to yourself. The Elites are control freaks, insecure n fearful

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Spirit world:Ultimately the only thing that matters,is infinite,is LOVE.U come from LOVE n to LOVE will u return.The world of form can be an overwhelming experience. But never forget it’s an ephemeral world.Its a Human experience for SOUL EVOLUTION. Live life joyously n no fear

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Spirit world:Ultimately the only thing that matters,is infinite,is
LOVE.U come from LOVE n to LOVE will u return.The world of form can be an overwhelming experience. But never forget it’s an ephemeral world.Its a Human experience for SOUL EVOLUTION. Live life joyously n no fear

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Spirit world: The Elites use FEAR to make Humans comply with their plans to destroy Humans.Once U set fear aside n accept that U may die n that it’s not the end.U will destroy their power n confidence. The Soul departing from the body is a natural occurrence. Don’t be afraid

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Spirit world: The Elites use FEAR to make Humans comply with their plans to destroy Humans.Once U set fear aside n accept that U may die n that it’s not the end.U will destroy their power n confidence.
The Soul departing from the body is a natural occurrence. Don’t be afraid

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Spirit world: “Detachment”Only if U can step back n be neither for or against are u able to see the reality behind the customary emotions. It’s not easy to do n takes much effort n conscious practice over time to get it right.Its as though U get access to another word,try it.

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Spirit world: “Detachment”Only if U can step back n be neither for or against are u able to see the reality behind the customary emotions. It’s not easy to do n takes much effort n conscious practice over time to get it right.Its as though U get access to another word,try it.

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