Spirit world: Birthday of HAZRAT IMAM ALI 13th Rajab. To appreciate who he is/was.U must know some of his past lifetimes.He is Noah,Abraham,Joseph,Moses, Solomon,Imran,JESUS,Genghis,Da Vinci,Zeus,Vishnu,Shiva,Brahma, Buddha,Imhotep,Tutankhamen Ramses the great n at the beginning HORUS the falcon of TRUTH.Some will believe/accept it,most will doubt/reject it. It doesn’t change the TRUTH.
Spirit world: “The Trouble with excessive Wealth”Most super rich become heedless n actually believe that it’s solely their skills that gives them their wealth.They don’t know that it’s predetermined before they incarnate.Most fall victim to their pride n ascribe their success to themselves.The rare person understands it to be a gift but also a trial.Wealth has fooled the best n the worst because they have no humility to understand the truth.
Spirit world: “The Trouble with excessive Wealth”Most super rich become heedless n actually believe that it’s solely their skills that gives them their wealth.They don’t know that it’s predetermined before they incarnate.Most fall victim to their pride n ascribe their success to themselves.The rare person understands it to be a gift but also a trial.Wealth has fooled the best n the worst because they have no humility to understand the truth.
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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them
Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them
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Spirit world:We in the spirit world find it strange that the Jews hate Christians n Muslims.Why? Because Muhammad the prophet is the same Soul as prophet Jacob whose 12 sons are the 12 Tribes of Israel.Who would Muhammad support?None.He’d say their actions are based on ignorance.
Spirit world:We in the spirit world find it strange that the Jews hate Christians n Muslims.Why? Because Muhammad the prophet is the same Soul as prophet Jacob whose 12 sons are the 12 Tribes of Israel.Who would Muhammad support?None.He’d say their actions are based on ignorance.
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Spirit world: Today is Rama Namavi The Hindus are celebrating the birthday of Lord Rama. The 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.Let us all wish the Hindus a joyous day with peace happiness n Love.
Spirit world: Today is Rama Namavi
The Hindus are celebrating the birthday of Lord Rama. The 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.Let us all wish the Hindus a joyous day with peace happiness n Love.
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Spirit world:What’s the reality of Jesus’s other incarnations?It’s the same oneness. Who was Jesus before?He was Vishnu Shiva Brahma Buddha.Abraham Joseph Moses Solomon Imran Hazrat Ali. HORUS Imhotep Tutankhamen Ramses 2nd.N much more.Think about it.Your differences are futile
Spirit world:What’s the reality of Jesus’s other incarnations?It’s the same oneness. Who was Jesus before?He was Vishnu Shiva Brahma Buddha.Abraham Joseph Moses Solomon Imran Hazrat Ali.
HORUS Imhotep Tutankhamen Ramses 2nd.N much more.Think about it.Your differences are futile
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