Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.
Spirit world: “Donald J Trump”If ever there’s a DEVIL in disguise it’s Trump.If there’s anyone who does the work of the Zionists it’s Trump. Should the Trump supporters be insensitive to Gaza n vote him to power.All the death n destruction will boomerang on America. So beware U are warned.
Spirit world: “Donald J Trump”If ever there’s a DEVIL in disguise it’s Trump.If there’s anyone who does the work of the Zionists it’s Trump.
Should the Trump supporters be insensitive to Gaza n vote him to power.All the death n destruction will boomerang on America. So beware U are warned.
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