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Spirit world: Over 100 Rabbis have crowned Donald J Trump for his services.This is despite the genocide in Gaza.Trump has never condemned the killings of innocent people.His pride hypocrisy n attitude to Gaza requires him to be cursed.

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Spirit world: Over 100 Rabbis have crowned Donald J Trump for his services.This is despite the genocide in Gaza.Trump has never condemned the killings of innocent people.His pride hypocrisy n attitude to Gaza requires him to be cursed.

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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.

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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.

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Spirit world: Being very rich n powerful doesn’t make them automatically intelligent sensitive compassionate knowledgeable. Some may have some of the above qualities.But most are very lowly evolved clueless troubled Souls fully immersed in the material world.Don’t expect anything from them but selfishness n cruelty.

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Spirit world: Being very rich n powerful doesn’t make them automatically intelligent sensitive compassionate knowledgeable. Some may have some of the above qualities.But most are very lowly evolved clueless troubled Souls fully immersed in the material world.Don’t expect anything from them but selfishness n cruelty.

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Spirit world:When a struggle against anyone,individual or nation Crosses a red line of outrageous atrocities.Know the end is near. When Iron goes into the smelter it comes out as steel.The people of the world are going to face very painful struggles.Many will die. Be prepared

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Spirit world:When a struggle against anyone,individual or nation
Crosses a red line of outrageous atrocities.Know the end is near. When Iron goes into the smelter it comes out as steel.The people of the world are going to face very painful struggles.Many will die. Be prepared

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Spirit world:As the breakdown intensifies human misery pain n suffering will become worldwide. Common sense,common decency will become rare.All the ugliness within troubled souls will find expression in all types of violence n degrading behavior.Humans are losing their humanity

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Spirit world:As the breakdown intensifies human misery pain n suffering will become worldwide. Common sense,common decency will become rare.All the ugliness within troubled souls will find expression in all types of violence n degrading behavior.Humans are losing their humanity

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Spirit world: “GAZA”When the world wide protests fail to move them.There can only be one last solution.INTERVENTION BY THE SPIRIT WORLD.But such a radical intervention will hurt everyone everywhere.If sanity doesn’t prevail,there will be no choice.

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Spirit world: “GAZA”When the world wide protests fail to move them.There can only be one last solution.INTERVENTION BY THE SPIRIT WORLD.But such a radical intervention will hurt everyone everywhere.If sanity doesn’t prevail,there will be no choice.

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