Spirit world: Many of those under 16 don’t want to get married or have children. Is it a good or bad idea?Very Good Idea because breakdown will mean severe shortages of everything.Marital obligations will be impossible to meet,with stress arguments n violence very common.Children will be victims of neglect violence n trauma.

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Spirit world: Many of those under 16 don’t want to get married or have children. Is it a good or bad idea?Very Good Idea because breakdown will mean severe shortages of everything.Marital obligations will be impossible to meet,with stress arguments n violence very common.Children will be victims of neglect violence n trauma.

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Spirit world:An emperor invited everyone to a banquet.2 people at an Inn 1 blind n 1 crippled couldn’t attend.A sage advised the blind one to carry the cripple n be the eyes for both.The cripple being the legs for both.This way both attended.Its possible to do if a sage present

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Spirit world:An emperor invited everyone to a banquet.2 people at an Inn 1 blind n 1 crippled couldn’t attend.A sage advised the blind one to carry the cripple n be the eyes for both.The cripple being the legs for both.This way both attended.Its possible to do if a sage present

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Spirit world: When humans lose their connection to Love.Their long downward slide begins.Their humanity becomes compromised. Their lower self with all the negative flaws gets the upper hand in their daily life.Until fear determines all their actions n decisions. Life becomes stressful miserable n meaningless.Thats the state of the elites n all those that follow them.More n more humans will be even less than the machines they’ve created.

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Spirit world: When humans lose their connection to Love.Their long downward slide begins.Their humanity becomes compromised.
Their lower self with all the negative flaws gets the upper hand in their daily life.Until fear determines all their actions n decisions. Life becomes stressful miserable n meaningless.Thats the state of the elites n all those that follow them.More n more humans will be even less than the machines they’ve created.

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Spirit world: “JESUS”How would he come now?Every occasion is commensurate with the time n requirements.He wouldn’t come as a Prophet or Son of God.This is a different age with different needs. He would come as a friend,giving full expression to his LOVE COMPASSION n requirements

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Spirit world: “JESUS”How would he come now?Every occasion is commensurate with the time n requirements.He wouldn’t come as a Prophet or Son of God.This is a different age with different needs.
He would come as a friend,giving full expression to his LOVE COMPASSION n requirements

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Spirit world: Because of the absence of Love their actions reflect their lack of humane values. Their actions are based on hatred,pride in their ancestry n distorted belief that they’re God’s chosen people.Can they change? SADLY NO.They’ll eventually destroy themselves,but will wreak havoc on earth. No one can save them,not even GOD.Theyre victims of 2 very dangerous flaws – pride n hatred.

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Spirit world: Because of the absence of Love their actions reflect their lack of humane values.
Their actions are based on hatred,pride in their ancestry n distorted belief that they’re God’s chosen people.Can they change? SADLY NO.They’ll eventually destroy themselves,but will wreak havoc on earth. No one can save them,not even GOD.Theyre victims of 2 very dangerous flaws – pride n hatred.

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Spirit world:Ukraine is a mess as is Gaza.Their plans for control have fallen apart,n now comes the dangerous part.Theyre angry n desperate to regain the initiative. so they’re going to cause problems wherever they can.They’re like a wounded beast.Wars will expand, shortages will grow,deaths due to COVID vaccines will be ascribed to “Avian flu”.Beware of the Reptilians

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Spirit world:Ukraine is a mess as is Gaza.Their plans for control have fallen apart,n now comes the dangerous part.Theyre angry n desperate to regain the initiative. so they’re going to cause problems wherever they can.They’re like a wounded beast.Wars will expand, shortages will grow,deaths due to COVID vaccines will be ascribed to “Avian flu”.Beware of the Reptilians

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Spirit world:Something that was initiated n carefully crafted by the Rothschilds n zionists over a 100 years ago is falling apart.And who is the enemy of Israel?Not the Palestinians or others.Who then? The Israelis themselves.When even common sense is lacking,what’s left?Nothing

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Spirit world:Something that was initiated n carefully crafted by the Rothschilds n zionists over a 100 years ago is falling apart.And who is the enemy of Israel?Not the Palestinians or others.Who then? The Israelis themselves.When even common sense is lacking,what’s left?Nothing

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Spirit world:A message from Prophet JACOB and his wife RACHEL to the children of Israel (Prophet JACOB).Oh my offspring u have either misunderstood my Life n my message of LOVE.Or you’ve lost your way n fallen from the grace of God.Harming anyone n any living thing is not my way

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Spirit world:A message from Prophet JACOB and his wife RACHEL to the children of Israel (Prophet JACOB).Oh my offspring u have either misunderstood my Life n my message of LOVE.Or you’ve lost your way n fallen from the grace of God.Harming anyone n any living thing is not my way

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Spirit world:Something Big is going to happen in the next few months.The UK government has asked the people to store food n water for 3 days.The election will soon be out of the way.A new Bird flu n lockdown?A further weakening of small businesses?A preparation for war?Be awake

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Spirit world:Something Big is going to happen in the next few months.The UK government has asked the people to store food n water for 3 days.The election will soon be out of the way.A new Bird flu n lockdown?A further weakening of small businesses?A preparation for war?Be awake

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Spirit world: Unknown n unseen a hidden ancient war is ongoing by the Reptilians on earth n highly advanced aliens.The aliens want to help humans not only overcome the Reptilians but learn to evolve to a higher level.Its difficult for humans to understand how unevolved they are

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Spirit world: Unknown n unseen a hidden ancient war is ongoing by the Reptilians on earth n highly advanced aliens.The aliens want to help humans not only overcome the Reptilians but learn to evolve to a higher level.Its difficult for humans to understand how unevolved they are

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