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Spirit world:Can a greater Middle East war be avoided?It seems less likely with every passing day.Pride n over confidence is not a good sign.If the war expands it will mean shortages of most things.Stress n tension within families will mean families breaking up.Enjoy while u can

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Spirit world:Can a greater Middle East war be avoided?It seems less likely with every passing day.Pride n over confidence is not a good sign.If the war expands it will mean shortages of most things.Stress n tension within families will mean families breaking up.Enjoy while u can

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Spirit world:They’ve got the very highest technological weapons. They’ve got all the financial power. They control all the important institutions.N yet they’re scared of the people’s awakening.Gaza n Ukraine haven’t gone to plan. So what now?Desperation leading to?more problems

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Spirit world:They’ve got the very highest technological weapons. They’ve got all the financial power.
They control all the important institutions.N yet they’re scared of the people’s awakening.Gaza n Ukraine haven’t gone to plan. So what now?Desperation leading to?more problems

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Spirit world:So many go missing all over the world especially little children in 3rd world countries. Some of the missing are ascribed to alien abductions.They need a constant supply of children for adrenochrome n others to feed the Reptilian Elites. Be careful u may be next

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Spirit world:So many go missing all over the world especially little children in 3rd world countries. Some of the missing are ascribed to alien abductions.They need a constant supply of children for adrenochrome n others to feed the Reptilian Elites. Be careful u may be next

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Spirit world: Many of those under 16 don’t want to get married or have children. Is it a good or bad idea?Very Good Idea because breakdown will mean severe shortages of everything.Marital obligations will be impossible to meet,with stress arguments n violence very common.Children will be victims of neglect violence n trauma.

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Spirit world: Many of those under 16 don’t want to get married or have children. Is it a good or bad idea?Very Good Idea because breakdown will mean severe shortages of everything.Marital obligations will be impossible to meet,with stress arguments n violence very common.Children will be victims of neglect violence n trauma.

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Spirit world: No one has heard of the”Human Vacuum”before.That’s right,it’s NEVER happened before. The Soul reality of everyone is going to surface. Family members n friends will turn against each other.Governments will work against citizens n corruption will be normal.Suicides will become widespread,crime will be a norm as law enforcement is deliberately reduced.

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Spirit world: No one has heard of the”Human Vacuum”before.That’s right,it’s NEVER happened before. The Soul reality of everyone is going to surface. Family members n friends will turn against each other.Governments will work against citizens n corruption will be normal.Suicides will become widespread,crime will be a norm as law enforcement is deliberately reduced.

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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.

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Spirit world: “Zionism”What is the Soul status of Zionists?They’re the lowest of the low in Evolutionary terms.Their attributes are cunning deviousness,deception,obsession for wealth n power,highly insecure. They bribe,blackmail,poison kill to retain power.Many are Reptilians.

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