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Tweets referring to Love.

Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving. That’s not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love

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Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving.
That’s not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love

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Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world:How can they know how to Love?When they don’t know n understand what love is.Theyre so immersed n drunk in the material world.Theyre blind n ignorant with something so subtle sublime n beautiful as Love.They should be the object of pity rather than anger n derision

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world:What is the tragedy of the Zionists?They know how to Hate harm hurt,but they don’t know what it is to LOVE.The only message of JESUS to them is to allow themselves to be taught the beauty and magic of LOVE.Its never too late.This is a stellar lifetime please use it

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Spirit world:What is the tragedy of the Zionists?They know how to Hate harm hurt,but they don’t know what it is to LOVE.The only message of JESUS to them is to allow themselves to be taught the beauty and magic of LOVE.Its never too late.This is a stellar lifetime please use it

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Spirit world”FREEDOM”What stands in the way of Freedom? Most things permanent, marriage,regular job,Religion, belief in politics/politicians.N that old enemy FEAR of losing something or other.Experience the beauty of Love in the madness of Freedom. My heart lives in n for freedom

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Spirit world”FREEDOM”What stands in the way of Freedom? Most things permanent, marriage,regular job,Religion, belief in politics/politicians.N that old enemy FEAR of losing something or other.Experience the beauty of Love in the madness of Freedom. My heart lives in n for freedom

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Spirit world:They say that X is applying a shadow ban on many people.What does Lahotar say?I have no problem they must do as they want. My messages will always reach people in some way. And if the time is up for me then so be it.I operate through LOVE SURRENDER N FREEDOM.FEAR IS NOT ON MY MENU

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Spirit world:They say that X is applying a shadow ban on many people.What does Lahotar say?I have no problem they must do as they want. My messages will always reach people in some way.
And if the time is up for me then so be it.I operate through LOVE SURRENDER N FREEDOM.FEAR IS NOT ON MY MENU

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