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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world: Today is”KARBALA”It was a tragic occasion when IMAM HUSSAIN n those who stood by him to die for the sake of Truth Justice n Love.Nearly 1400 years later the fight against tyranny continues.Imam Hussains example remains a beacon of light to inspire mankind in these dark times.Its always better to die then accept injustice lies n tyranny. Watch the tragedy of KARBALA on utube.

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Spirit world: “Freedom”No One will obtain real Freedom without paying its costly price.Why costly? Because the Reptilians have been planning n infiltrating for millennia. Most humans are simple n the good life in the West has made them soft n dumb. To succeed u have to be hardened by decades of hardship suffering injustice relentless struggle.Only the brave Palestinians n hizbollah can claim that. U must be ready to die in the millions worldwide.The middle classes especially are too soft n spoilt to do it.Hence the Reptilians know it,but didn’t cater for the brave resistance of the Palestinians n hizbollah.If u are the praying type,pray for the resistance.Because they’re fighting the battle for the entire world.

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Spirit world: “Freedom”No One will obtain real Freedom without paying its costly price.Why costly?
Because the Reptilians have been planning n infiltrating for millennia.
Most humans are simple n the good life in the West has made them soft n dumb. To succeed u have to be hardened by decades of hardship suffering injustice relentless struggle.Only the brave Palestinians n hizbollah can claim that. U must be ready to die in the millions worldwide.The middle classes especially are too soft n spoilt to do it.Hence the Reptilians know it,but didn’t cater for the brave resistance of the Palestinians n hizbollah.If u are the praying type,pray for the resistance.Because they’re fighting the battle for the entire world.

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Spirit world:”Julian Assange”What does his freedom mean?At times sacrifices can be successful.But in the bigger picture it makes no difference to the Reptilian Mafia. They don’t have emotions or empathy.What then? Your best example is Gaza.U must be ready to pay the price-Death

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Spirit world:”Julian Assange”What does his freedom mean?At times sacrifices can be successful.But in the bigger picture it makes no difference to the Reptilian Mafia. They don’t have emotions or empathy.What then? Your best example is Gaza.U must be ready to pay the price-Death

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Spirit world:”Struggle”They will overcome their enemies because they’ve undertaken to struggle against all the odds n pay the price The Russians defeated fascism because they paid the price of -27 million deaths.They’re paying a higher price n understand it’s worth the price.

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Spirit world:”Struggle”They will overcome their enemies because they’ve undertaken to struggle against all the odds n pay the price
The Russians defeated fascism because they paid the price of -27 million deaths.They’re paying a higher price n understand it’s worth the price.

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Spirit world: How come Lahotar is cannibalism,drinking blood of children,torturing children for Adrenochrome n organ harvesting so common with the Elites?They destroyed their own planet before incarnating on earth,n slowly over millennia infiltrated all institutions. They rule through a committee of 300 important individuals.Their aim is to eliminate most of humanity through all means possible.Because what they do is so outrageous they know most people won’t believe what they do. Will they get away with it? They’re well on the way to succeed,unless some important humans awake.

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Spirit world: How come Lahotar is cannibalism,drinking blood of children,torturing children for Adrenochrome n organ harvesting so common with the Elites?They destroyed their own planet before incarnating on earth,n slowly over millennia infiltrated all institutions. They rule through a committee of 300 important individuals.Their aim is to eliminate most of humanity through all means possible.Because what they do is so outrageous they know most people won’t believe what they do.
Will they get away with it? They’re well on the way to succeed,unless some important humans awake.

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Spirit world: “KARBALA”A tragedy but an exemplary sacrifice of truth justice n principles especially valid at the present time.IMAM HUSSAIN intentionally chose to stand up against the tyrant YAZID knowing it meant death for him n his noble companions.If humans wish to overcome the DEEP STATE u will need to follow the example of IMAM HUSSAIN n be ready to sacrifice your lives for humanity.

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Spirit world: “KARBALA”A tragedy but an exemplary sacrifice of truth justice n principles especially valid at the present time.IMAM HUSSAIN intentionally chose to stand up against the tyrant YAZID knowing it meant death for him n his noble companions.If humans wish to overcome the DEEP STATE u will need to follow the example of IMAM HUSSAIN n be ready to sacrifice your lives for humanity.

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