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Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving. That’s not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love

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Spirit world: Compassion like charity should be given to the poor needy distraught n criminals.They need it most.Normally criminals are considered beyond saving.
That’s not the way of Jesus the Compassionate One. No creation should be left out of the grace of Compassion n Love

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Spirit world:What is the tragedy of the Zionists?They know how to Hate harm hurt,but they don’t know what it is to LOVE.The only message of JESUS to them is to allow themselves to be taught the beauty and magic of LOVE.Its never too late.This is a stellar lifetime please use it

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Spirit world:What is the tragedy of the Zionists?They know how to Hate harm hurt,but they don’t know what it is to LOVE.The only message of JESUS to them is to allow themselves to be taught the beauty and magic of LOVE.Its never too late.This is a stellar lifetime please use it

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Spirit world:How do you know that he is not here already?How do u know that he’s not working energetically to do whatever is needed?Why do u think he needs to come as scripture says he will?Think very carefully because he is who he is. He is not bound to anything but PURE LOVE

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Spirit world:How do you know that he is not here already?How do u know that he’s not working energetically to do whatever is needed?Why do u think he needs to come as scripture says he will?Think very carefully because he is who he is. He is not bound to anything but PURE LOVE

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Spirit world: “JESUS”How would he come now?Every occasion is commensurate with the time n requirements.He wouldn’t come as a Prophet or Son of God.This is a different age with different needs. He would come as a friend,giving full expression to his LOVE COMPASSION n requirements

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Spirit world: “JESUS”How would he come now?Every occasion is commensurate with the time n requirements.He wouldn’t come as a Prophet or Son of God.This is a different age with different needs.
He would come as a friend,giving full expression to his LOVE COMPASSION n requirements

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Spirit world: What’s meant by the energy of Love/Jesus.If one were to take everything that’s negative on earth.Such as hate,anger,Fear, frustration,murder.war etc.The total negative energy of all combined would be 100,000 units The energy of LOVE IS INFINITE. Most are ignorant of this reality.

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Spirit world: What’s meant by the energy of Love/Jesus.If one were to take everything that’s negative on earth.Such as hate,anger,Fear, frustration,murder.war etc.The total negative energy of all combined would be 100,000 units
The energy of LOVE IS INFINITE. Most are ignorant of this reality.

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Spirit world:Fire is not doused with more fire but by water.Hatred won’t be doused with more hatred. Nor war with more war.The only solution is n will always only be LOVE.Yes,it’s difficult to give Love when everyone is so angry n frustrated.That was the message of JESUS – LOVE

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Spirit world:Fire is not doused with more fire but by water.Hatred won’t be doused with more hatred.
Nor war with more war.The only solution is n will always only be LOVE.Yes,it’s difficult to give Love when everyone is so angry n frustrated.That was the message of JESUS – LOVE

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