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Spirit world:What is the tragedy of the Zionists?They know how to Hate harm hurt,but they don’t know what it is to LOVE.The only message of JESUS to them is to allow themselves to be taught the beauty and magic of LOVE.Its never too late.This is a stellar lifetime please use it

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Spirit world:What is the tragedy of the Zionists?They know how to Hate harm hurt,but they don’t know what it is to LOVE.The only message of JESUS to them is to allow themselves to be taught the beauty and magic of LOVE.Its never too late.This is a stellar lifetime please use it

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Spirit world: Donald trump has many weaknesses but to charge him as they have is a self inflicted wound on the soul of American politics.Theyre blinded by hatred n fear of Trump n his supporters.This can only end in tragedy for the USA.This means the wars are going to expand.

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Spirit world: Donald trump has many weaknesses but to charge him as they have is a self inflicted wound on the soul of American politics.Theyre blinded by hatred n fear of Trump n his supporters.This can only end in tragedy for the USA.This means the wars are going to expand.

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Spirit world: Because of the absence of Love their actions reflect their lack of humane values. Their actions are based on hatred,pride in their ancestry n distorted belief that they’re God’s chosen people.Can they change? SADLY NO.They’ll eventually destroy themselves,but will wreak havoc on earth. No one can save them,not even GOD.Theyre victims of 2 very dangerous flaws – pride n hatred.

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Spirit world: Because of the absence of Love their actions reflect their lack of humane values.
Their actions are based on hatred,pride in their ancestry n distorted belief that they’re God’s chosen people.Can they change? SADLY NO.They’ll eventually destroy themselves,but will wreak havoc on earth. No one can save them,not even GOD.Theyre victims of 2 very dangerous flaws – pride n hatred.

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Spirit world:After all that’s said n done by whoever.The only energy that frightens n disrupts the plans of the Elites n Reptilians is the energy of LOVE.Mostly the reaction to them is fear hatred disgust anger revenge.They thrive on that.But they can’t handle the energy of Love

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Spirit world:After all that’s said n done by whoever.The only energy that frightens n disrupts the plans of the Elites n Reptilians is the energy of LOVE.Mostly the reaction to them is fear hatred disgust anger revenge.They thrive on that.But they can’t handle the energy of Love

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Spirit world: What’s meant by the energy of Love/Jesus.If one were to take everything that’s negative on earth.Such as hate,anger,Fear, frustration,murder.war etc.The total negative energy of all combined would be 100,000 units The energy of LOVE IS INFINITE. Most are ignorant of this reality.

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Spirit world: What’s meant by the energy of Love/Jesus.If one were to take everything that’s negative on earth.Such as hate,anger,Fear, frustration,murder.war etc.The total negative energy of all combined would be 100,000 units
The energy of LOVE IS INFINITE. Most are ignorant of this reality.

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Spirit world:Fire is not doused with more fire but by water.Hatred won’t be doused with more hatred. Nor war with more war.The only solution is n will always only be LOVE.Yes,it’s difficult to give Love when everyone is so angry n frustrated.That was the message of JESUS – LOVE

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Spirit world:Fire is not doused with more fire but by water.Hatred won’t be doused with more hatred.
Nor war with more war.The only solution is n will always only be LOVE.Yes,it’s difficult to give Love when everyone is so angry n frustrated.That was the message of JESUS – LOVE

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