Spirit world: Elon Musk’s daughter is exposing him to be a fake in terms of everything he projects about himself.That he’s a creation of the monstrosity of apartheid South Africa. Is it true?Is she exaggerating?Evidence coming out suggests that his daughter knows him well.Even the best PR job can’t hide the truth for long. Check out her statement n decide yourself
Spirit world:”Upside Down”People look n judge others by their wealth, profession,pedigree,race,colour religion.Thats just the outer facade n very superficial.What matters is who they are of SOUL.Usually the outer facade hides a very ugly reality.Many are lowly evolved SOULS
Spirit world:”Upside Down”People look n judge others by their wealth, profession,pedigree,race,colour religion.Thats just the outer facade n very superficial.What matters is who they are of SOUL.Usually the outer facade hides a very ugly reality.Many are lowly evolved SOULS
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Spirit world:Elites strength is their unity,they’re not divided by religious race colour differences. Humans are divided by race colour religions politics social/economic status. Plus most are naive lazy weak.U will wise up,after many are killed.Don’t believe anything they say
Spirit world:Elites strength is their unity,they’re not divided by religious race colour differences.
Humans are divided by race colour religions politics social/economic status. Plus most are naive lazy weak.U will wise up,after many are killed.Don’t believe anything they say
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Spirit world: The tragedy of the Gaza conflict is the many who are becoming anti Jewish rather than anti Zionist.Sadly the Zionists are dragging non Zionist Jews into the same downward spiral.Things are only going to get much worse.We urge caution n not blame innocent people.
Spirit world: The tragedy of the Gaza conflict is the many who are becoming anti Jewish rather than anti Zionist.Sadly the Zionists are dragging non Zionist Jews into the same downward spiral.Things are only going to get much worse.We urge caution n not blame innocent people.
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Spirit world:Divisions are a luxury in normal times.Unity is absolutely essential in these times of the GREAT BREAKDOWN.Your enemies are ruthless n will try to divide U on the basis of religion race colour class n anything else. please be careful humans have many problems coming
Spirit world:Divisions are a luxury in normal times.Unity is absolutely essential in these times of the GREAT BREAKDOWN.Your enemies are ruthless n will try to divide U on the basis of religion race colour class n anything else. please be careful humans have many problems coming
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Spirit world:”Biases”To be biased against anyone due to race colour religion is saying.Despite whatever GOD gave u I think U are inferior to my race colour religion.People should be left free n respected to be who they choose to be.Never forget it’s a human experience for Soul evolution.
Spirit world:”Biases”To be biased against anyone due to race colour religion is saying.Despite whatever GOD gave u I think U are inferior to my race colour religion.People should be left free n respected to be who they choose to be.Never forget it’s a human experience for Soul evolution.
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