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Spirit world: Many have sex but they have no Idea of lovemaking. Mainly they use sex as relief from the daily stress tensions of life.Lovemaking must last at least 2 hours. By involving all the erogenous zones n ensuring the female is satisfied with multiple orgasms. Men are generally impatient n selfish. It’s time u appreciate the gifts the good lord has bestowed. So awake n do your job with care concern n love.

Spirit world: Many have sex but they have no Idea of lovemaking. Mainly they use sex as relief from the daily stress tensions of life.Lovemaking must last at least 2 hours. By involving all the erogenous zones n ensuring the female is satisfied with multiple orgasms. Men are generally impatient n selfish. It’s time u appreciate the gifts the good lord has bestowed. So awake n do your job with care concern n love.

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Spirit world: What will be different after the breakdown?Women will no longer birth. That task will be given to the men. Men will also cook sew do house cleaning n other tasks.They will not be allowed higher education or responsible jobs. How long will it last?5000 years at least

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Spirit world: What will be different after the breakdown?Women will no longer birth. That task will be given to the men. Men will also cook sew do house cleaning n other tasks.They will not be allowed higher education or responsible jobs. How long will it last?5000 years at least

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Spirit world:Who was JESUS? There was what humans call a madness about him.He knew Time was short humans very rigid especially men.He was rushing from place to place to reach as many as possible.If u don’t know JESUS u don’t know life let alone LOVE.He would rather die than harm.

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Spirit world:Who was JESUS? There was what humans call a madness about him.He knew Time was short humans very rigid especially men.He was rushing from place to place to reach as many as possible.If u don’t know JESUS u don’t know life let alone LOVE.He would rather die than harm.

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Spirit world: What must be avoided during breakdown?Permanent relationships n having children. Food n other shortages will mean children suffer.Stress levels will mean most men will walk away leaving women n children to be helpless.Don’t be victims of u emotions,be wise/cautious

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Spirit world: What must be avoided during breakdown?Permanent relationships n having children. Food n other shortages will mean children suffer.Stress levels will mean most men will walk away leaving women n children to be helpless.Don’t be victims of u emotions,be wise/cautious

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Spirit world: To LOVE N be COMPASSIONATE despite harm caused u is what JESUS was/is all about.He uplifted women gave them confidence n told them they’re equal to man.That they shouldn’t allow anyone to say different.He gave secret knowledge only to Virgin Mary n Mary Magdalene.

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Spirit world: To LOVE N be COMPASSIONATE despite harm caused u is what JESUS was/is all about.He uplifted women gave them confidence n told them they’re equal to man.That they shouldn’t allow anyone to say different.He gave secret knowledge only to Virgin Mary n Mary Magdalene.

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Spirit world:WhenETERNAL ONE created the first man n woman.The angels were shown the 1st man,n they looked in utter amazement.Then they were shown the woman.The angels were so dazzled by her beauty.They fell into a swoon n called out- Oh my God,such beauty.Will men appreciate it

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Spirit world:When
ETERNAL ONE created the first man n woman.The angels were shown the 1st man,n they looked in utter amazement.Then they were shown the woman.The angels were so dazzled by her beauty.They fell into a swoon n called out- Oh my God,such beauty.Will men appreciate it

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