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Spirit world: Two things that have not been understood by Humans. When Humans defecate n see the smelly goo that comes out of them And when they have sex,that’s no different to animals.The creator made it to remind Humans of their lowly status n prevent pride.Even that failed to soften their pride.

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Spirit world: Two things that have not been understood by Humans. When Humans defecate n see the smelly goo that comes out of them
And when they have sex,that’s no different to animals.The creator made it to remind Humans of their lowly status n prevent pride.Even that failed to soften their pride.

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Spirit world:”Falling in Love”Many use the word Love but haven’t really experienced it.Some call infatuation love,some strong sexual desire Love.About 10% of people experience true Love.The 1 precondition for falling/being in Love is that it’s graced on evolved souls n those are always very few.

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Spirit world:”Falling in Love”Many use the word Love but haven’t really experienced it.Some call infatuation love,some strong sexual desire Love.About 10% of people experience true Love.The 1 precondition for falling/being in Love is that it’s graced on evolved souls n those are always very few.

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Spirit world:According to researcher Natacha Rey,Brigitte Macron was born Jean Michel Trogneux a transgender male.A statement denied by Brigitte n the naughty boy Shorty Macron.U don’t have to hide it Shorty,it’s your life n your choice. By denying n hiding it U spoil the show.

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Spirit world:According to researcher Natacha Rey,Brigitte Macron was born Jean Michel Trogneux a transgender male.A statement denied by Brigitte n the naughty boy Shorty Macron.U don’t have to hide it Shorty,it’s your life n your choice. By denying n hiding it U spoil the show.

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Spirit world:Lahotar has been inundated with requests for OLI the Shaolain monk reincarnated to offer his services on the science of love making.Some have even offered to pay as much as 1 million dollars.But Oli replied by saying – I’m only human N can only give 2 sessions a day.Your best bet is to passionately call me to service you in your dreams.Sorry to disappoint the many prospective lovers.

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Spirit world:Lahotar has been inundated with requests for OLI the Shaolain monk reincarnated to offer his services on the science of love making.Some have even offered to pay as much as 1 million dollars.But Oli replied by saying – I’m only human N can only give 2 sessions a day.Your best bet is to passionately call me to service you in your dreams.Sorry to disappoint the many prospective lovers.

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Spirit world: “SEX”What most call sex is really the release of stress n tension N lasts between 5 minutes N if U lucky 15 minutes.If it doesn’t last for an hour at least it’s not sex. The secret of sex is to orgasm once every 3-6 months. A Shaolain master has incarnated to teach the lucky few how to ignite every erogenous point to life.Lahotar is under oath not to reveal his identity.He’s known by the name OLI from Russia to Ruritania.His services are in great demand by the super rich.He can also come in your dreams to render his humane services.All U have to do is call his name Oli with great passion and desperation N there’s a chance he might respond.Wasting precious sperm/yin Yang is not clever. Remember he’s only one person so u may not be lucky this time round.But he will be attentive to your needs.His incarnating at this time is a mercy.The Shaolain monks have sent Oli to teach mankind the gift they have but don’t know how to use it. Viva Oli Viva viva

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Spirit world: “SEX”What most call sex is really the release of stress n tension N lasts between 5 minutes N if U lucky 15 minutes.If it doesn’t last for an hour at least it’s not sex. The secret of sex is to orgasm once every 3-6 months. A Shaolain master has incarnated to teach the lucky few how to ignite every erogenous point to life.Lahotar is under oath not to reveal his identity.He’s known by the name OLI from Russia to Ruritania.His services are in great demand by the super rich.He can also come in your dreams to render his humane services.All U have to do is call his name Oli with great passion and desperation N there’s a chance he might respond.Wasting precious sperm/yin Yang is not clever. Remember he’s only one person so u may not be lucky this time round.But he will be attentive to your needs.His incarnating at this time is a mercy.The Shaolain monks have sent Oli to teach mankind the gift they have but don’t know how to use it. Viva Oli Viva viva

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