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Spirit world:”Falling in Love”Many use the word Love but haven’t really experienced it.Some call infatuation love,some strong sexual desire Love.About 10% of people experience true Love.The 1 precondition for falling/being in Love is that it’s graced on evolved souls n those are always very few.

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Spirit world:”Falling in Love”Many use the word Love but haven’t really experienced it.Some call infatuation love,some strong sexual desire Love.About 10% of people experience true Love.The 1 precondition for falling/being in Love is that it’s graced on evolved souls n those are always very few.

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Spirit world: Because It’s the end of the GREAT CYCLE n everything is going to be destroyed before the rebirth.Some secrets of higher Evolutionary Beings will be slowly revealed.Its arrogance to think that Only Humans inhabit the earth.U have no idea of the vastness of GOD’S creation just on earth.The Crucifixion of JESUS was observed by many many realms. As also by the highly evolved hidden beings.

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Spirit world: Because It’s the end of the GREAT CYCLE n everything is going to be destroyed before the rebirth.Some secrets of higher Evolutionary Beings will be slowly revealed.Its arrogance to think that
Only Humans inhabit the earth.U have no idea of the vastness of GOD’S creation just on earth.The Crucifixion of JESUS was observed by many many realms. As also by the highly evolved hidden beings.

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Spirit world: A spiritual master asked his wife to take food to a beggar by crossing a fast flowing river. By saying to the river my husband who hasn’t had sex with me says allow me to cross which it did.On returning she said but we have 6 children.He said yes,but I only had sex to satisfy u need.If it weren’t true the river wouldn’t have allowed u to cross.

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Spirit world: A spiritual master asked his wife to take food to a beggar by crossing a fast flowing river. By saying to the river my husband who hasn’t had sex with me says allow me to cross which it did.On returning she said but we have 6 children.He said yes,but I only had sex to satisfy u need.If it weren’t true the river wouldn’t have allowed u to cross.

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Spirit world:Prophet Muhammad. Apart from incarnating as prophets Jacob,David,Zakaria,Akhenaten.He is the highest LOVE SOUL in spirit world nearest to ETERNAL ONE.He teaches evolved Souls how to love.Why such a high station?Because he has the deepest HUMILITY of all creation.

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Spirit world:Prophet Muhammad. Apart from incarnating as prophets Jacob,David,Zakaria,Akhenaten.He is the highest LOVE SOUL in spirit world nearest to ETERNAL ONE.He teaches evolved Souls how to love.Why such a high station?Because he has the deepest HUMILITY of all creation.

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Spirit world:Why are those 10 years n under special? It’s to do with energies.They incarnating in the New Energy. The old energies are dead n no longer valid.Many very highly evolved Souls have been waiting for this time n incarnating to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

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Spirit world:Why are those 10 years n under special? It’s to do with energies.They incarnating in the New Energy. The old energies are dead n no longer valid.Many very highly evolved Souls have been waiting for this time n incarnating to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

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Spirit world: There are 3 types of Souls that incarnate.1% Evolved Souls.48% Troubled souls.49% clueless simple Souls.Its the Troubled Souls that cause problems as parents,spouses,children. They’ve not sorted out their core at Soul level.Each lifetime they cause much harm to all

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Spirit world: There are 3 types of Souls that incarnate.1% Evolved Souls.48% Troubled souls.49% clueless simple Souls.Its the Troubled Souls that cause problems as parents,spouses,children. They’ve not sorted out their core at Soul level.Each lifetime they cause much harm to all

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