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Spirit world:They’ve got the very highest technological weapons. They’ve got all the financial power. They control all the important institutions.N yet they’re scared of the people’s awakening.Gaza n Ukraine haven’t gone to plan. So what now?Desperation leading to?more problems

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Spirit world:They’ve got the very highest technological weapons. They’ve got all the financial power.
They control all the important institutions.N yet they’re scared of the people’s awakening.Gaza n Ukraine haven’t gone to plan. So what now?Desperation leading to?more problems

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Spirit world:Technology versus Humanity”They’ve definitely got very highly advanced technology. N they’re determined to reduce the world population by every means. So who will be victorious?Humans will Eventually overpower the Elites But at a very heavy cost -5 billion will at least die if not more.

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Spirit world:Technology versus Humanity”They’ve definitely got very highly advanced technology.
N they’re determined to reduce the world population by every means.
So who will be victorious?Humans will Eventually overpower the Elites
But at a very heavy cost -5 billion will at least die if not more.

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Spirit world: “The iPad children” Children who throw tantrums if their iPad is taken away.They’re being damaged n won’t cope with life’s challenges.If u can’t give children the time n attention they need n deserve.Why have children u can’t look after?They’re not toys.

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Spirit world: “The iPad children” Children who throw tantrums if their iPad is taken away.They’re being damaged n won’t cope with life’s challenges.If u can’t give children the time n attention they need n deserve.Why have children u can’t look after?They’re not toys.

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Spirit world: Such is the energy of LOVE bursting out of me It can incinerate the earth. I say to ELON MUSK all your little toys that you’re impressed with are just that -toys. Come to me n let me show u the way of love.U got potential but don’t waste time. It won’t be available for long. Come Elon I’m waiting for u

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Spirit world: Such is the energy of LOVE bursting out of me It can incinerate the earth. I say to ELON MUSK all your little toys that you’re impressed with are just that -toys.
Come to me n let me show u the way of love.U got potential but don’t waste time. It won’t be available for long. Come Elon I’m waiting for u

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Spirit world:Reports are circulating that the disasters in Hawaii Morocco Libya Greece is due to Harrp technology.Theyre still experimenting n experiment went wrong.If true expect more disasters going wrong due to experimenting.A warning to mankind next 3 months will be difficult

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Spirit world:Reports are circulating that the disasters in Hawaii Morocco Libya Greece is due to Harrp technology.Theyre still experimenting n experiment went wrong.If true expect more disasters going wrong due to experimenting.A warning to mankind next 3 months will be difficult

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Spirit world:They don’t need concentration camps any more. Why?Technology,prying drones n smart cities are going to turn countries into big concentration camps.Humanity is sleepwalking into a nightmare.Their failure in Ukraine has held them back,but made them more desperate.

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Spirit world:They don’t need concentration camps any more. Why?Technology,prying drones n smart cities are going to turn countries into big concentration camps.Humanity is sleepwalking into a nightmare.Their failure in Ukraine has held them back,but made them more desperate.

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