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Spirit world: What is meant when it’s said that she/he has got SIGHT? It’s a rare spiritual quality in very highly evolved Souls.They have rare ability to foretell possible future happenings in individuals to nations.They can recognise evolved souls with the sight of their hearts

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Spirit world: What is meant when it’s said that she/he has got SIGHT? It’s a rare spiritual quality in very highly evolved Souls.They have rare ability to foretell possible future happenings in individuals to nations.They can recognise evolved souls with the sight of their hearts

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Spirit world: What’s TRUTH? There’s worldly truth and SPIRITUAL TRUTH.Worldly truth is,n can be misinterpreted,undermined , distorted,n hidden if necessary.Spiritual truth is ONE. It cannot be misinterpreted or distorted.Hence spiritual truth is only given to prophets,n sages.

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Spirit world: What’s TRUTH? There’s worldly truth and SPIRITUAL TRUTH.Worldly truth is,n can be misinterpreted,undermined , distorted,n hidden if necessary.Spiritual truth is ONE. It cannot be misinterpreted or distorted.Hence spiritual truth is only given to prophets,n sages.

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Spirit world: 2 things are very important n need to be understood.1.ENERGIES.2.Incarnations.For people in the 3 monotheistic Religions incarnation is a sensitive matter.Though many of their evolved souls understood it but couldn’t talk. Rejecting it now will hold back u progress.

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Spirit world: 2 things are very important n need to be understood.1.ENERGIES.2.Incarnations.For people in the 3 monotheistic Religions incarnation is a sensitive matter.Though many of their evolved souls understood it but couldn’t talk. Rejecting it now will hold back u progress.

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Spirit world part 2:Can anything change troubled souls negative behaviour?No. Evolution is a very slow process.Troubled souls have very high levels of insecurity,fear, mistrust,anger,etc.Spirit world mixes families with troubled, clueless,slightly evolved souls to give challenges

Spirit world part 2:Can anything change troubled souls negative behaviour?No. Evolution is a very slow process.Troubled souls have very high levels of insecurity,fear, mistrust,anger,etc.Spirit world mixes families with troubled, clueless,slightly evolved souls to give challenges

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Spirit world:Who are EVOLVED SOULS?There are ordinary evolved souls-philosophers,poets,artists etc.Highly EVOLVED SOULS- Highest spiritual teachers.Highly highly EVOLVED SOULS- Prophets,Sages.They were 2% of humanity,nkept earth balanced. now only 1/4%,hence unavoidable breakdown

Spirit world:Who are EVOLVED SOULS?There are ordinary evolved souls-philosophers,poets,artists etc.Highly EVOLVED SOULS- Highest spiritual teachers.Highly highly EVOLVED SOULS- Prophets,Sages.They were 2% of humanity,nkept earth balanced. now only 1/4%,hence unavoidable breakdown

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Spirit world:Why do most relationships,become boring,unexciting,dead?After breakdown when population is reduced to a few millions.Relationships will be very short,practical,n teachings based on soul growth.Only evolved souls scattered over earth will incarnate to begin new cycle.

Spirit world:Why do most relationships,become boring,unexciting,dead?After breakdown when population is reduced to a few millions.Relationships will be very short,practical,n teachings based on soul growth.Only evolved souls scattered over earth will incarnate to begin new cycle.

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