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Tweets referring to humans stuck on earth, worldliness, etc.

Spirit world:The only so called “religions”God ever wanted was and will always only be LOVE. To help uplift the poor n dispossessed to realise their full potential.The BREAKDOWN will level everyone. The rich n powerful have failed themselves n humanity.Its not about selfishness

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Spirit world:The only so called “religions”God ever wanted was and will always only be LOVE. To help uplift the poor n dispossessed to realise their full potential.The BREAKDOWN will level everyone. The rich n powerful have failed themselves n humanity.Its not about selfishness

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Spirit world:The trouble with lots of wealth is it desensitizes those aspects of oneself that makes u to be human. So wealthy look n listen but they don’t see n hear what ordinary people do.They also become very insecure,stressed, selfish but don’t realise it.They need LOVE

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Spirit world:The trouble with lots of wealth is it desensitizes those aspects of oneself that makes u to be human. So wealthy look n listen but they don’t see n hear what ordinary people do.They also become very insecure,stressed, selfish but don’t realise it.They need LOVE

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Spirit world: Why is Western world doomed?They’re stuck in material world.They’ve served their purpose n will be recalled.That’s why Northern hemisphere will be completely destroyed.Nothing lasts,but humans take world seriously,not as human experience for knowledge,n soul growth

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Spirit world: Why is Western world doomed?They’re stuck in material world.They’ve served their purpose n will be recalled.That’s why Northern hemisphere will be completely destroyed.Nothing lasts,but humans take world seriously,not as human experience for knowledge,n soul growth

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Spirit world: When do diseases of arrogance,entitlement, complacency come in.When there’s a prolonged period of comfort, ease,n power. The best example is Western leaders,n countries.There spiritual arteries are hardened making them blind,selfish,suicidal. Is there any hope?No.

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Spirit world: When do diseases of arrogance,entitlement, complacency come in.When there’s a prolonged period of comfort, ease,n power. The best example is Western leaders,n countries.There spiritual arteries are hardened making them blind,selfish,suicidal. Is there any hope?No.

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Spirit world: If the rich n powerful know that Life on earth is momentary.why do they not spend their fortunes n influence on uplifting the poorest?As it would contribute to their Soul growth which is permanent.Because most are troubled,n spiritually low evolved souls n selfish

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Spirit world: If the rich n powerful know that Life on earth is momentary.why do they not spend their fortunes n influence on uplifting the poorest?As it would contribute to their Soul growth which is permanent.Because most are troubled,n spiritually low evolved souls n selfish

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Spirit world:What is foundation,n primary motive,incentive of CORPORATIONS?Greed,for more,n more.Endless impossible to satisfy Greed. These corporations have ensured that they’ve bought the compliance of everything,n everyone to further their objectives.What hope do Humans have?

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Spirit world:What is foundation,n primary motive,incentive of CORPORATIONS?Greed,for more,n more.Endless impossible to satisfy Greed. These corporations have ensured that they’ve bought the compliance of everything,n everyone to further their objectives.What hope do Humans have?

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